It Matters How This Ends Part 35

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"What the fuck? What's she doing here? Get her out!"

"I brought her here, since it looks like you're sorting things our with your ex's today.", I said and walked to the bedroom. I opened my suitcase and started packing.
Piper ran after me and stood at the bedroom door;

"What are you doing?!"

I didn't say anything. She walked up to me and put her hand on my suitcase, closing it and making it impossible for me to keep packing. I stood steadily and looked at her.

"Al, don't do this. They mean nothing to me! Only's only you...", tears started running down her face and I couldn't stand to look at her.
It hurt too much.
I sat on the bed and put my head between my shoulders. I sighed. Piper kneeled before me and took my hand. We stayed like that for about 10 minutes. Neither of us said anything. Piper weeped quietly and my heart was breaking into a million little pieces. I knew right there and then that no matter what she did, I would always forgive her;


"Yes...", she looked up.

"Come here." I pulled her into a huge hug;

"It's okay. I overreacted."

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry..."

"Shhhh..Everything's okay."

"What's going on?" Victoria's annoying voice disturbed our sweet moment.
Piper looked at her and then she looked at me.

"Your sister said you needed help? Do you miss me? I miss you! It's so good to see you!"

"My sister??", Piper looked at me with raised eyebrows.
I gently pulled away from our hug and walked to Victoria.

I pushed her against the wall and put my hands on the wall, over her shoulders.

"What the fuck?!", she tried to resist.

"Listen, you little bitch. I'm not her sister, I'm her FIANCÈ. And if I ever, and I mean EVER, see your name on her phone EVER again, you're gonna wish you were never born. Got it?!"

Victoria nodded.

"Get your bitch ass out of here!"
I let go of the wall and she ran away in tears.

"That was so hot.", Piper said and stared at me.

"You're so hot.", I said and stared back at her. She walked up to me and grabbed my face, kissing me pasionatelly.

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