Chapter 2

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"Wow, that's a good one. Thanks," Danielle smiled and started writing it down.

"You're welcome. Why did you need it?" I asked her.

"It's a homework assignment. She didn't read the book. If you have Mr. Coy, you'll understand. Since you already read the book and memorized the quotes, you don't have to do anything," Eleanor told me.

"Lucky," Danielle sighed.

I laughed, but soon stopped when Taylor came to our table with her minions trailing behind her.

"Loser," Taylor spat at me. Her minions, I mean friends, laughed.

I simply rolled my eyes. "Pathetic," I mumbled.

We heard a low chuckle.

Taylor spun around angrily. "Harry! Why are you laughing? Answer me!" She practically yelled at him from across the room.

Harry looked up, closed his book, and stood with a smirk on his face. "Something you didn't hear," he told her in a deep voice. He met my eyes for a moment, smiled and winked at me, then grabbed his backpack and left the cafeteria.

"What the hell?" Taylor muttered as she watched Harry leave gracefully.

"He is so cute!" One of her friends gushed.

Taylor glared at her. "He's mine."

"Sorry," the girl quickly apologized and looked down.

Taylor turned back around and glared at me. "Nerd," she told me through clenched teeth.

Why is she so confident? I thought and stood up. "Look, you don't scare me and you're beginning to get annoying. So, just leave me alone," I told her.

Danielle got up and came to stand next to me. "Why do you always have to insult people, Taylor?" Danielle questioned.

Eleanor came and stood on my other side. "It'd be easier if you left everyone alone," Eleanor added.

"I like making your lives miserable," Taylor smiled viciously and walked away laughing, her minions copying their leader.

I rolled my eyes again and we all sat back down.

"Wow," Eleanor sighed.

"Double wow," Danielle agreed.

"What?" I asked the two of them.

"We never heard Harry talk in that tone and that smirk," they both looked at each other, "wow..." They both sighed dreamily.

I laughed. "You two are special."

"You don't think he's cute?" Danielle asked shocked.

"It's not that. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's very gorgeous and all, but he's the type of boy you should stay away from," I warned them.

"Why?" Danielle asked.

"They're the ones that use you," I sighed.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for the heads up," Eleanor said.

"Oh, well that's too damn bad. Well, it's not like he would ever date me," Danielle sighed.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Did he ever have a girlfriend?" Eleanor asked Danielle.

"Duh, don't you remember? He used to date Cara," Danielle told Eleanor.

"Who's Cara?" I asked them very curiously.

"She was as pale as him. They dated for about two months before he dumped her," Danielle filled me in.

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