Chapter 7

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I grabbed Cara by her neck and slammed her into a nearby tree, not letting her go. "Go away or I'll kill you."

"You're not going to kill your ex-girlfriend are you?" She smirked.

I growled and glared at her as I pressed her tighter to the tree, making her wince. I smiled menacingly and bared my fangs. "Try me."

What the hell? Did Harry just hit a girl? I heard Destinee think.

"Go ahead, I'll just get her another day. Don't you worry about that," Cara threatens.

I snarled and tightened my grip around her neck, earning a few snapping sounds in the process.

"You can't protect her, Harry," Cara chokes out.

This set me over the edge. I would do everything in my power to protect Destinee. "Shut the fuck up!" I snarled and smashed her into the tree again.

She grabbed my arms and tried to free herself, but her strength was no match compared to mine.

I slammed her into the tree for the third time. "You wanted this!" I say angrily and spin her around so that she was facing the tree.

I wrapped my hand around her neck, pulling her to my body, and knotted my other hand into her hair. I pulled her head back and lightly brushed my lips against her skin. Then, with a powerful snap, I rip her head off and it flew right to Destinee's feet.

I drop the corpse to the ground and began dismembering it. I gathered every piece and went into the darker part of the forest to burn it.

I walked back to the lake to find Destinee frozen in the same spot I left her in.

"D-d-d-d-did...?" She managed to stutter out. She looked absolutely terrified and I don't blame her. Wouldn't you be too if someone were to behead someone right in front of you and the head just so happens to roll to your feet? Yeah, thought so.

I stopped a few feet away from her and looked into her eyes. They showed fear and I could see my eyes returning to their normal green color.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you like that," I apologized to her in a gentle whisper.

She turned and sat down on the grass, hugging her knees. I could see the scene of me ripping Cara's head off keep playing in her head.

"Are you thirsty?" She whispered after a while.

I sat down beside her. "Yeah, but I can't leave you here alone. So, I'm gonna have to wait to hunt. Until you're safely in your house, I can't hunt."

"What happens when a vampire drinks human blood and not animal blood?"

"We get stronger and fuller."

"Is that what my blood did for you?"

I smiled slightly. "Yeah, but I won't do that again," I tell her and look up at the moon.

"Why not?"

" 'Cause I don't want you to think that I'm only using you for food."

"I don't think that."

"Are you sure?" I laughed. "Well, I'm really sorry that you had to see that." I continued to apologize.

"Drink my blood," Destinee said simply.

"Huh?" I say shocked.

"Take my blood," she repeats.

"No, Destinee. I ca-," I begin to argue, but she interrupts me.

"I'm letting you take my blood. I don't mind and don't worry, I know you're not using me for food."

I looked into her eyes to see if there was any sign of doubt or fear, but there wasn't any. "Are you sure?"

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