Chapter 30

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I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to me. I understand how she feels. I did leave her when I promised that I wouldn't leave her again. She understood why I killed myself, yet she cried every moment she was alone.

I want to comfort her. I don't want her to hate me. I don't want her to cry, I never did, nor do I do now. I want her to be happy, even if that meant being without me. I want her to stop crying those tears that constantly break me and make me wish I was dead again, but I know that I'm being selfish because even though I want her to be happy, I want to be the one who brings her happiness. I want to be with her forever. I want to hold her forever.

She's the one that showed me that even a lost creature like me can love. She never left me in fear. She stood by me with that beautiful smile, and although I want to see her be happy, I'm afraid that I won't be able to share her. I'm greedy enough to say that I want her, her smile, her voice, her laugh, her body, her love, her soul... all to myself.

I don't want to let her go. Gosh, I'm so selfish.

I put my face in my hands.


I kept swimming underwater. I couldn't talk because of the tears. My heart was beating so hard. I love him so much.

I rose to the surface and started swimming to the shore. I walked up to my clothes and put them back on, not caring that I was wet, and stared down at the grass.

"Haz?" I asked in a choked whisper.

"I'm sorry, Des. You must hate me..." His voice sounded strained, but soft and sweet.

"No, I don't. I can't ever hate you. I love you too," I told him and sat down, facing the trees. I hugged my knees to my chest.

"I'll do everything I can to be with you again..." He whispered.

I smiled slightly and looked up. I turned my head in the direction of the way I had to go through the trees to get back home and caught a glimpse of red eyes. My eyes widened in fear.

"There's something watching me," I choke out scared.

"Where?" He sounded more alert.

"In the trees. It has its eyes on me and they're red... a bright red, like a cat's." My eyes widened. Oh my god. Is a wild cat stalking towards me?! "Harry, can you see it? What is it?"

"It's a baby cougar. Don't worry, it's not hungry. It's just admiring you. It doesn't mean any harm."

"Oh, then can I approach it?" I ask amazed. It took him a few seconds for him to respond.

"What the hell? No, you can't, even though it's not hungry it doesn't mean you can touch a wild animal."

"Are you sure it isn't hungry? Its eyes look mad, like it wants to get me..." I slowly rose up.

"Even if he was hungry, he wouldn't dare to come closer. He can sense that I'm here, so does the mother. Now you better hurry and go home. They won't attack you," he whispered. The bright red eyes in the trees trained intently on me.

One word caught my attention. "Mother?"

He chuckled. I don't think this a very funny situation, Styles. "She can sense me. She won't attack you, don't worry. Now, you better run, alright? Go home where you'll be safe."

I nodded and started running, and then the eyes disappeared. I stop dead on my feet. "Harry?"

"I'm here, keep going. They aren't going to hurt you. They're walking away," he reassured me in a soothing voice.

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