Chapter 35

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Can I have your blood?

Those five words kept running through my mind.

So, now he wants it?

"I will try to contain myself. I'll try to make it less hurtful. I'll try my best to keep myself from killing or hurting you," he promises me as he knots a hand through my hair. His lips move to my ear, "If you don't want me to, then I won't. I want you to feel safe with me..."

I smiled slightly. He cared enough to give me a choice. "I don't care if it hurts. If it'll make you feel better, drink as much as you want." I place a hand on his cheek and run my thumb over his lips.

He parts them slightly and I slide my thumb over his fang. It was so sharp. Just the slightest touch and I had a small cut already. From the corner of my eye, I saw a glowing red.

He was thirsty.

I was about to take my thumb out of his mouth, but his hand caught my mine. Through the corner of my eyes, I saw the red glow disappear. Maybe he had closed his eyes? He took my hand and sucked lightly on my thumb. He stopped soon enough and licked my finger... I guess to heal the cut? His tongue felt incredibly cold though.

"Are you sure?" His voice was strained and it sounded fake again. "If I don't stop, I might drain you of your blood..."

"I'm sure," I told him and lean my cheek against his chest. I imagined that I was in Harry's arms once again.

"Close your eyes for a moment," he whispered in my ear.

I do as he says and closed my eyes.

"You look so beautiful in the moonlight." He brushed my hair away from my face so that it was behind my shoulder and then stroked my neck.


I tried my hardest to keep the demon down inside of me.

Will I be able to do this? Be able to drink her blood without killing her? To sink my fangs into her neck without releasing my venom?

The taste of her blood from where she had cut her thumb was so good... so tempting. I licked my lips.

What did surprise me, however, was my desire for her body. It overpowered my thirst for her blood. All I could think of was her in my arms, our bodies joined together, the heat from her body radiating to mine, kissing her, adoring her beautiful body, brushing my lips everywhere on her body, feeling her soft, hot skin press against my hard, cold skin, feel her hands caress my body while I make sure my lips caress all of her, touch her gently, run my hands through her hair, feeling her breath on my neck, hearing her moan my name and to feel her fragile body wanting more, her blood boiling every time our bodies make contact just like a few minutes ago when I was feeling her; how she had moaned my name and I forgot everything.

I was only blinded by lust, not blood lust.

Oh god, I'm horny again.

I want her now.

I ran my fingers down the middle of her neck to her breast line.

I'm still Harry, not the demon I know that is inside of me. He was buried all the way down, trying to come out.

The moonlight made her skin glow white in color. I bend down to her face and brush my nose against her features. My nose touches her nose, my lips a centimeter away from hers. I press my lips against hers.

I had once thought that I wouldn't be able to do this anymore.

She responded to my kiss in an instant. I kiss down to her chin and then to her jaw line. I reached her neck and run my tongue over the fine skin. I felt her shiver and glanced up briefly to see that she still had her eyes closed.

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