Chapter 6

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Liam and Louis yell at me.

I leaned against the wall and shrugged carelessly. "I told her the truth."

"ARE YOU STUPID?!" Liam shouts. Thank god we were at the back of the school where no one could here us.

"YOU IDIOT!" Louis screams and throws his arms in the air.

I was starting to get annoyed by the two of them.

"How did she take it? She'll probably tell everyone. YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" Liam continued.

"She wasn't afraid, just confused for a while. Well, that was until I showed her," I tell them nonchalantly.

"HOW DID YOU SHOW HER?!" They both shout simultaneously.

I licked my teeth and felt that my fangs were still out because of our last kiss. I flashed the two of them a wide smile, showing them my fangs.

"You showed her your fangs? She'll just think you're a lunatic that's all," Liam says and let's out a low chuckle.

I just smirked at the two of them, still showing my fangs.

Louis' face becomes a mixture of anger, shock, and annoyance as realization hit him.

"YOU DID NOT DRINK HER BLOOD, DID YOU?!" Liam asks while freaking out.

I replied with a smirk, only using my lips.

"IDIOT!" Louis exclaims and shakes his head.

"Well, I need to go now, bye." I walked away from them and into the cafeteria and to my usual table. I looked around and spotted Destinee.


"Damn, this book is so- Destinee, why is Harry staring at you?" Danielle asked abruptly.

I turned around.

Eleanor giggled, "He's smiling."

Harry motioned with his head for me to come over there.

I smiled, "Bye, guys."

"Good luck," Danielle laughs.

I can feel the everyone's stare as I walked towards Harry.

I sat down next to him. "Yes?" I ask unable to keep the smile off my face.

"Hi," he says simply with a goofy smile on his smooth lips.

"Hi," I giggle, but my eyes focused on his book that was laying on the table. "Let me see that."

Harry handed me the book and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed and he leaned back in his seat, casually dropping his arm on the back of mine. I don't think I'll get used to all his gestures.

I read the title. "Romeo and Juliet?"

"Yeah." He sighed, "You know it's very annoying to have people stare at you."

I looked around the cafeteria and sure enough, all eyes were on us. "Wow."

Harry chuckled and I looked back at him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Embarrassed to be seen with me?"


He smiled, but it soon faded. Harry stood up abruptly and hovered over me from behind. He had both his hands on either side of me, on the table. I looked up to find Taylor standing in front of our table.

"Go back or you'll regret it," Harry threatened and glared at her.

Taylor still stood there, dazed.

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