Chapter 41

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I stared at him as he stroked my cheek with the back of his index finger then proceeded to grab my hand. He pulled my body towards his bed and laid me down under the covers. He gets in next to me while wrapping his arm around my waist. We cuddle with him placing his chin on my shoulder being the big spoon and I the little spoon. I could feel his breath on my cheeks as we laid there.

Was I just supposed to forgive him? Considering everything that he has done to me?

I sighed, apparently not so quietly. Then again, what is "quiet" when you're with a vampire?

"Something wrong?" Harry asked in a whisper.

"No..." I spoke softly.

I could tell that he wanted to press further on the issue, but refrained himself from doing so.

He changed the topic, "Oh, just to give you a heads up, I'll be attending school again, as the emo guy, but I'm going to scare everyone when I pull off my hoodie." He chuckles. When I gave no sign of a response, he pauses. "Is that alright with you?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Why are you asking me if it's alright? I'm not in charge of you," I tell him in a low tone.

"Well, I'm asking because I want to know if it'll hurt you if you see me at school..." He hugged me closer into his chest and kissed my shoulder.

I stared at the wall in front of me. How can it hurt me if he's there? Where I can always see him, knowing that he's back and that he's real. "No, it won't hurt me. You can go if you want," I spoke lightly.

"You sure?" He kisses my ear and I try to hold in my shiver.

I nod.

"Alright, then I'll see you at school." He kisses my neck then brushes his lips up along my neck. He finds my sweet spot and kisses it. I kept shivering and getting goose bumps with every kiss.

"Harry?" I whispered hesitantly.

"Mm?" He hums in response while brushing his lips along my neck.

"How can you resist now? What do you think made you want to kill me?" I whispered.

He took a few seconds to answer. "I don't really know. I guess it was just my vampire instinct being stronger than the human side of me," he spoke quietly. He took another pause and I waited for his other answer. "I can only resist now because I've had so much blood. My thirst is at tolerable level. It's what I have been doing this whole time."

"Oh..." I mutter and grab onto the pillow.

The feeling of his breath on my neck made my eyes close and he hugs me tighter.

"I know that this might not sound sweet, or it might insult you, but you're my sin." He whispers in my ear and for some reason, it sounded mean yet so sweet.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I've loved you ever since the first time I saw you. You're the only girl that understands me. You're not scared of what I am, but most importantly, I love you. Only you. Forever," he spoke gently. I turned around so that I was able to look at him. He didn't take his hands off of me. "My sin is you, I've always loved you." He smiled slightly.

That is actually the sweetest thing he's ever said to me.

I burry my face into his chest, hugging him back. I didn't even notice that my eyes were filled with tears, tears of happiness.

"I love you too," I whisper against his chest, pressing my lips to his cold skin. A normal girl would freeze in his grip, but I feel completely warm and comfortable in his embrace.

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