Chapter 22

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I ran back to my house at a human's speed. I have never been this tried in my life. I thought about Destinee as I approached the front door. I was determined to find out what my powers can really do.

I made it inside and went straight to my father's office.

I knocked on the door. "Dad, can I come in?"

"Sure, Harry," I heard his reply from the other side.

I opened the door, shutting it behind me, and sat down in the seat in front of my dad's desk. I sighed. "I want you to answer my question truthfully."

"You know I always do," he replied in a calming manner.

"Yeah, but this is something that you don't like to talk about..." I trailed off.

He sighed. "Not again, Harold. Don't you think about this family? What about Destinee?"

"I know, I know, and don't bring Destinee into this. I just need you to tell me what I'm capable of with these stupid, cursed powers."


"I'm begging you. Please, I just want to know."

He shook his head sadly and looked at me.

"I'm not biologically your son, you know that. You shouldn't feel anything for me."

"I have lived with you for a long time, Harry. I have grown to love you as my own son."

"Don't start, just please. I promise you that this family won't miss me at all," I told him with a weak smile.



I arrived on campus just in time and started for my locker when someone grabbed my arm...again.

I turned and looked up. "What are you doing here and don't touch me you pervert," I told Niall and tried to yank my arm away from him.

He gripped my arm tightly. "Why did you let that beast attack me?! Are you stupid?! I could've died!"

"Good! Serves you right for taking advantage of me!" I tried to twist my arm out of his hand, but that only made him grip on tighter. I'm pretty sure he was holding on tight enough to cut my blood circulation.

"I suggest you let go of her or this beast will break that arm," a voice said and I turned to see Harry glaring at Niall with his arms crossed.

"I will call the cops on you! You're not normal," Niall said coldly, still gripping my arm.

"Ow," I mumbled, starting to lose feeling in my arm.

"Why are you holding her arm?" Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "Go ahead and call the cops, does it look like I give a shit?"

Niall tightened his hold on me.

"Okay, you either remove your hand or I'll take it off for you, your choice. I suggest you choose wisely," Harry told him icily.

"How about neither?" Niall challenged.

"Wrong choice," Harry told him and in one quick move, he had Niall's arm in his and was twisting it until he heard a crack.

Niall screamed in pain,

Harry pushed him away and walked over to me. He pulled the sleeve of my jacket up and examined my arm. "You're slightly bruised..." He mumbled and his eyes started turning black.

"Calm down, Harry. I don't want you starting things." I lifted his face and pecked his lips.

His eyes changed back to normal and he stroked my cheek. "I don't want anything to harm you." He looked away, but not before I could catch the guilty look in his eyes.

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