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I was currently standing in front of Harry's house as I waited for someone to open the door. The door soon was swung open to reveal Liam who gave me a quick hug before I made my way up to Harry's room.

Harry was on his bed, facing the opposite way from the door, but quickly rolled over when he heard me enter the room. He was shirtless, actually he was nude aside from the pair of black boxer briefs covering his baby maker. I winced as I heard all the painful groans leaving his lips.

I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed a small towel. I drenched it in cold water, wringing out the excess fluid, before making my way back into the room. I sat down on the bed and dabbed the towel around his face, then around his neck. It was strange seeing him so sweaty. He looked so human.

"Des..." He groaned.

"I'm here. How are you feeling?" I placed the towel on his forehead as I gathered his sweaty curls into a bun,tying it off with the elastic around my wrist, so that it took away some of the heat he was feeling.

"Like shit. My insides are burning and I can't even get up without fainting," he complained.

"That's the high fever. Your body is working like a human's." I nodded.

He grabbed my hand. "I looked at the binder."

My eyes widened. "What's in it?"

"It has picture of me as I was growing up, with my parents, and how I acted. I looked so happy, but I don't understand how. I looked like a blood thirsty monster with my red eyes. There were even pictures of me holding bloody corpses and drinking from girls' necks. I don't want to remember any of that." He closed his eyes.

"Are you serious?" I moved the cloth so that I could dab it around his face again. He nodded. "Can I see?"

He shook his head. "Not yet." He opened his eyes. He smiled up at me with his fangs out, although he didn't seem to notice, and his cheeks flushed. "First, I have something embarrassing to ask you."

I let a small laugh escape between my lips. "You should know that nothing should be considered embarrassing between us anymore, but what would that be?"

"I still have some of my pride to maintain. My rep is slowly lowering with Liam and Louis. However, will you help me take a shower? I'm soaked in sweat and I absolutely smell."

I rolled my eyes. "That wasn't even embarrassing. Sure, but you're taking a bath. You need to lay down. You can't stand up."

"Perfect, nothing better than sitting in my own filth," Harry stated sarcastically.

You know, even as a sick human-ish feeling type of vampire, you're such an ass. I thought in my head to which Harry chuckled at.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Come on." I helped him sit up and he used me as a support as we walked into the bathroom.

He sat down on the closed toilet lid as I prepared his bath. I helped him strip himself of his boxers and get in, blushing as he did so. Why was I blushing?

Harry laughed as he settled into the water. "Des, you've seen me naked multiple times."

"I know, but still!" I say flushed.

He shook his head as I added soap to a sponge and started to wash him.

We were now back in Harry's room laying all cuddled up on his bed, after I changed his soaked sheets. His temperature was slowly going back down.

He nestled his face into the nape of my neck and I felt him suck on my skin. "Can I?" He whispered.

I drew my head back slightly and moved all my hair to the other side, giving him a nod.

I felt his lips kiss my skin then a short pierce followed by him taking a few gulps of blood. It didn't hurt like before. The wounds on my neck were still there and they burned from time to time. I stroked his hair as he drank.

He pulled back after a few minutes, licking away the blood and the holes. He gave them a kiss and licked his lips. His eyes were now a bright red.

"Feel better?" I hummed.

He nodded. "Damn, your blood tastes so good." His voice had a husky tone to it. He pulled my head towards his and pressed our lips together, his tongue invading my mouth. There was no taste of blood in his mouth, only his sweet, minty breath. I still don't understand how that works.

I lost track of how long we had been kissing, but I was aware of his hand creeping up under my shirt. He pulled away to give me some time to breathe and went to kiss my neck. As he made his way back to my lips, I felt his hand inch up my thigh now.

I pulled away and laughed. "No, no. It's resting time for the patient." I removed both of his hands and he pouted at me.

"You are such a tease."

"I'm not the one who made you kiss me," I remind him.

"I hate being sick." He kissed my shoulder and I shivered.

"You're technically not sick. You just feel sick."

"True," he murmured and kissed along my jaw line.

"If you're scheming something in order to seduce me, it isn't going to work," I told him, trying to sound confident even thought there was a nagging voice in the back of my head screaming at me for refusing him.

He turned my face again and his lips met mine. His tongue easily slipping in. He pulled back after a few minutes, leaving me breathless as his eyes were now a shining emerald green. He stroked my cheek. "Now, why would I do something like that?" He smirked.

I panted and shook my head. "You need to rest."

He pouted and moved so that he was lying on his back. I moved to cuddle into his side, trying not to laugh as he continued to pout.

His pout soon turned into a smirk as he looked up at the ceiling. "You know, I've always fantasized about you being my nurse and..." He turned to smirk down at me, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I shoved him and laughed. "No. Get some rest."

He turned to look back at the ceiling, letting out a groan. "Damn, it was worth a try."

I laughed and stroked his hair as I leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Maybe... once you're feeling better." I pulled back and watched the expression on his face.

His head snapped to me, his eyes glowing with excitement. "I'm holding you to that, Montez."

I pecked his lips. "Of course, Styles."



Thank you so much to those who had stuck with the story (despite my lack of continuous updates). It really means a lot to me that you even added it to your library. Thank you so much for the reads, votes, and comments.

I'm going to miss writing this book. It's been quite a journey for me. I wrote the first chapter of this book back when I was only in eighth grade and now I am a freshman in college. Crazy, I know.

Once again, thank you so much for reading Last First Kiss.

Let me know in the comments if I should post this werewolf story I've been writing. I'm thinking about making it a Liam fanfic or a Luke fanfic. I know, 5SOS is different from my usual 1D writing but I love those boys just as much. So let me know!

Follow my tumblr: @ fangirl-af-posts (I write imagines on here as well that I don't post on here)

Abby xx

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