Chapter 40

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An hour later, I found myself lying on my back with Destinee's head on my chest and our feet tangled together. I had one hand on her waist, holding her close to me, while the other stroked her hair as I stared at the ceiling. She was most likely going to be mad at me for making her cheat on Zayn, but I could honestly care less about that fucker. At least I have her in my arms, even if it was only temporarily.

I looked down to watch her sleep soundly with the slightest smile on her face. I traced her lips with the tip of my index finger, a small smile forming on my own lips.

Her eyes twitched and I soon stopped smiling. I'm about to be in a lot of shit once she wakes up. Her eyes fluttered slightly, then slowly opened. She blinks a few times as she registers my face.

"Hey..." I spoke slowly and cautiously.

She stares blankly at me for a moment before her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh!" She practically jumped off of me. She glanced down at her naked body then at me. Man, did I love her body, but this was no time to be thinking like that. "I thought it was a dream! Ah! I need to get home!" Her eyes darted across the room to find her clothes, but soon noticed that her shirt and bra were torn on the floor. I slowly sit up and put my boxers on.

I stood up and walked over to her. She visibly freezes in place. I cup her cheek and peck her lips as she stares at me. "It wasn't a dream." I whispered. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her towards me.

She pulls away abruptly and pulls my arm off of her. "I am such a horrible person. Don't, please. I should go home. I..." She drifted as she looked down.

I followed her gaze.

She was staring at her clothes, which were now impossible to wear because of what I did.

I tried not to laugh. "I'm sorry about that..." I trailed off, not sounding sorry at all.

"What do I wear now?" She mumbled to herself.

Is she ignoring me or something? "Hello? Aren't you mad at me?" I asked confused as to why she hasn't blown up on me yet... okay, maybe not the best choice of words at the moment.

She looks up at me. "Of course I am, but it's not your fault. Well, it is your fault, but it's not at the same time. I-"

I grabbed her face and made her look at me. "Look, I'll give you some of my clothes so don't worry. I'm sorry that I made you cheat on Zayn," I told her sincerely.

Her eyes bored into mine and I was hypnotized. To her, it might seem like I'm the one doing the hypnotizing, but it was her. It was always her. Her eyes shone with the slight light in my room. She nods once.

I leaned closer and pressed my lips against hers, taking advantage of her dazed state. I kiss her slowly and softly and to my surprise, she began to kiss me back. The kiss was barely a kiss yet, so hypnotically powerful to my senses. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, weaving one hand through her hair and pulled her closer. I eased my tongue into her mouth and she did the same.

We were soon making out and I ended up on top of her again on my bed. If we keep this up, she might be extremely sore. I would pull away from time to time to let her breathe. I know I shouldn't be doing this to her, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I press my lips against hers again when she had caught her breath. Whenever she kisses me, I can actually touch heaven with my fingertips. This feeling she gives me is so incredible and completely overwhelming. I notice that she's still nude and pull away. I smile and stroke the side of her face before giving her a kiss on her nose, her eyes still closed.

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