Chapter 33

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I froze. I was too shocked to even breathe, let alone move.

He kissed me.

Oh my god, he flippin' kissed me!

"I'm sorry, you didn't like it. That was disrespectful of me. I shouldn't have done it," he spoke in a quiet, defeated voice.

Come on, lips! Move! "N-n-no! I... it... you...?" Damn! Form coherent words, Destinee!

I saw a slight twitch by the corner of his mouth, as if he was fighting back a smile.

"You can slap me if you're mad," he spoke quietly again.

What the hell? That's the last thing I want to do to him. Strangely enough, I needed to feel his lips on mine again.

I placed both of my hands on either side of his face, his eyes staring into mine, before leaning in and pressing my lips to his once more, a bit more roughly. I needed the sweet taste that his lips provided. I poked my tongue into his mouth and accidentally scratched my tongue on the tip of his fang. I pulled back instantly, remembering that my blood caused him pain.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized instantly and pulled away. I am a total idiot.

He had curled into himself a bit and refused to look at me. "Are you... asking... for death?" He panted. "Ahh..." He groaned and clutched his throat.

"No. I-I wasn't thinking," I told him and looked away blushing, which wasn't the brightest idea either as I heard him curse under his breath. Why do I always ruin everything?

"Fuck, dammit!" He curled into himself further. "Leave." He snapped at me.

"No, I can't." I really didn't want to, especially while he was in this state.

"Leave!" He demanded again, a bit harsher this time.

I stopped breathing, but didn't move another muscle. If he wanted my blood, then he could take some right now. "You're not going to kill me," I told him confidently. I have absolutely no idea where all this confidence is coming from.

"H-how do you know? Ah, fuck." He moved his body a little ways away from me.

"I just do. Just drink some if you want it so badly. You're not going to kill me."

"Don't be so sure. Leave, now!"

"No." I refused to leave, even if I am in danger. I just feel like I'm safe with him and I haven't felt like this in a long time. I craved for it.

"I should leave," he murmured and attempted to get up, but he couldn't. My eyes widened at the physical pain he was in. "Ugh." His breathing came out in puffs. "Leave before I do something bad to you."

"I'm not scared."

"Don't be stupid! You have to be scared!" He yelled furiously.

"I'm not."

He tried getting up again, but failed. "I don't want to hurt you. Please, understand," he pleaded in a sad voice.

"I understand-"

"No, you don't! If you did, you would have left the first time I told you too. Your boyfriend, the one that died, might've had the strength, but I don't. I'll hurt you badly if you don't run away now!" He shouted.

I was taken aback because he knew about Harry, but did he really have to mention the fact that he died?

My eyes started to sting and soon enough, the tears started flowing down my cheeks. I stood up and ran away. He didn't have to remind me that Harry was dead. The thought only made me cry harder. I heard him mumble an apology, but I couldn't concentrate. As I rounded the corner, I glanced back to see that he wasn't there anymore so I ran back into the school.

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