Chapter 44

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I pulled back and stared at her face, waiting for some type of movement, any type of movement.

Slowly, her eyelids started to flutter and she opened her eyes, blinking up at me a few times before registering that my face was hovering above hers.

I let out a sigh of relief when I could hear her thoughts flowing smoothly through her head and mine again.

She slowly goes to sit up and I quickly place my arm around her mid-back to assist her. Once she's sitting up comfortably, I sit in the space behind her where she was just laying a moment ago and she leans back into my chest, her head resting on my shoulder which she turns to look up at me.

I'm okay, was what she thought to me as she saw the panicked expression on my face. How could I not have panicked? I practically killed the love of my life on accident! That shit does things to you.

Destinee grabs a hold of my right hand in both of hers, stroking her thumbs on the back of it while my left arms was wound across her waist to hold her up against my chest.

I looked up and glared at Simon. "Explain," I demand as Destinee continues the soothing stokes against my skin.

Simon let out a sigh before turning to face Destinee who was staring intently at our hands. "Destinee?"

She lifted her head to look at him. "Hmm?" She hums, still slightly groggy.

Simon hesitates before asking, "What happened?"

Destinee pauses for a moment. "I... I don't know..." She trails off unsurely.

I put her out of her misery. "I'll tell you what fucking happened," I snap angrily at Simon, causing Destinee to grip my hand at my tone in a warning. "My eyes turned blue and when we went to look at each other, she collapsed and fainted."

His eyes grew wide. "Harold, what had happened wasn't because she fainted. How long did it take until she woke up?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, about a minute? It was when my eyes turned back to their normal color."

Destinee turns her head and kisses my jaw sleepily.

He sighed. "Harry, you have to be careful. Your eyes didn't electrocute her. Whenever you look at a person with those icy blue eyes, they die instantly. You killed Destinee for a full minute. If your eyes don't turn back to their normal color within five minutes, that person - human or not - will die."

I froze at the new information. "WHAT?!"

Simon nods once in confirmation. "You actually killed her, but brought her back to life when you kissed her. Your eyes put enough electricity in her body to kill her. However, your lips were able to take that electricity back out of her which brought her back to life. This doesn't affect you, but it's enough to kill any other person."

I shake my head furiously at his explanation.

I lift Destinee off of me and sit her back down. I let go of her as she stares up at me in shock. She had become fully awake in the time it took Simon to explain what had happened.

I looked at her with sad eyes and a pained expression. I never wanted to hurt her.

I moved away from her and turned to face Simon, my back towards Destinee. "What the hell am I?! Just tell me what I am already! I don't want to figure it out on my own. I'm getting sick and tired of this! Aren't vampires just supposed to drink blood and not have these manic powers?! It isn't natural! Are you lying to me about something?! Am I really a vampire or some kind of fucking demon?!" I yell at him, trying very hard to control all these new impulses that want to come out due to my anger. My fists were clenched to restrain myself from punching something. I can practically hear and sense Destinee's fear from behind me.

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