Chapter 29

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I pulled away abruptly and slapped him across the face. "What the hell?! Don't you ever do that again in your life!" I pushed past him angrily and briskly walked out of the house.

"Destinee?" I heard Danielle call after me and grabbed my arm just as I reached the gate. "What's wrong?"

I could tell that she was really worried, but she didn't need to worry about my problems on her birthday. "Nothing. I just don't feel too good so I'm leaving. Happy birthday." I hugged her before making my way out the gate.

I started walking home when I realized that Harry would be there. I quickly took off my heels and made a break for it.

I made it to my house in a couple of minutes and ran upstairs to my room. I opened the door to find it warm inside.

He still wasn't here...


I was running back home, still thirsty, but Simon told me to take it easy with the drinking.

I thought about Destinee, then realized that she wouldn't be at her house yet. She'd still be at the party. I slowed down to a walk and pulled out my phone, calling Louis.

"The Sass Master speaking," Louis answered and I rolled my eyes.

Typical Louis.

"Louis, is Destinee still there?" I asked him as I shoved my hand into my pocket and walked with my head down.

"Nah, man. She went home," Louis answered and if I didn't have such good hearing, I would've never been able to understand a single word he was saying with the music blaring in the background.

I stopped walking. "Why?"

"She told Danielle that she wasn't feeling good, but lad, can I please kill that son of a bitch?" Louis begged.

"NO. I said not to do anything, He's just..." as much as it killed and took a lot from me to say this, "he's just trying to help her forget about me, to make her happy," I told him and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Lad, don't you think that you should tell her about what happened to you?"

"No. If I do, she'll come back to me and I don't trust myself enough to be around her just yet." I sighed. "I told you that a part of me wants to kill her for her blood and I don't want that to happen. She means more to me than anyone or anything ever would."

"But Liam and I are here to stop you if things get out of hand."

"Do you even remember what happened in her room? You two wouldn't be able to do anything. I had to remind myself that I don't want to harm her. I was really close, Lou. I'm afraid that the next time I'm that close to her, I won't have enough strength to..." I trailed off.

"True," he sighed. "But this kid is seriously annoying the hell out of Liam and me."

I chuckled. "Aren't I supposed to be the annoyed one here, and I do admit that I slightly am, but at the same time I'm not. Destinee belongs to me and I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for her safety. I've got to go. Tell Liam to calm down. I can see him stalking Zayn."

He sighed frustratedly. "Fine. Yo, Li!" Then the phone disconnects.

I looked down at the floor and huffed before continuing my walk.


I changed into my pajamas and jumped under my comforter to cry.

He told me he'd be here.

I touched my lips, remembering the kiss we shared before the party. I bit my lip wanting more. I kept hoping that he would come back, but my hopes were always denied.

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