Chapter 8

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I was walking around the school, thinking about what I said to Destinee. It killed me to see her in tears, especially when it was because of me. I just had to remind myself that I'm only doing this to keep her safe. Man, I feel like Edward Cullen and that Destinee's my Bella.

I shook my head at the thought and Louis and Liam walked up to me.

"Hey, bro. What's up?" Liam asked me.

I glared at him. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Whoa, what bit you this morning?"

I rolled my eyes at his lame pun. "I'm not Destinee's friend so that way I won't suck her blood, and now I've hurt her and myself," I say through my teeth.

"Why'd you do that?" Louis asked. "You guys were so happy together, at least from what we saw."

"I...I... can't tell you," I sighed frustratedly and walked away.

"Whoa," I heard Liam mutter.

"Something's wrong with him. Let's ask Dad after school," Louis said.

"Yeah, that's one scary looking guy right there."

"He's hurting on the inside, I just know he is."

"Come on, let's get to class." And with that, I tune out the rest of the world.


"Destinee, can you give me another quote?" Mr. Coy asked.

"Sure, 'This day's fate on more day both depend.

This but begins the woe others must end,'" I recite.

"Thank you, Destinee."

I nod my head in response and sighed, leaning against the table.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Mr. Coy walked over to the door and opened it. "Yes, what do you need?"

"I was sent here from the office. They'd like to see Destinee Montez," an all too familiar voice said from the other side.

Mr. Coy turned back to the class and looked at me. "Destinee, you're needed up in the office. You are excused."

I gather all my things and walk to the door confused. Why did they need to see me?

I groaned as I saw who was standing on the other side of the door.

"Really?" I say more to myself as a rhetorical question. Does God not like me or something?

Harry moved out of the way so that I could walk out. I rolled my eyes and started off down the hallway not waiting for Harry, but he followed closely behind me, not uttering a single word.

I didn't need him that close to me.

I started walking faster, but it was no use. Harry was by my side the whole time.

"Why did the principal want to see me?" I ask suddenly to distract myself from my thoughts.

"I don't know," Harry muttered.

"You can read minds, can't you?" I snapped at him. Okay, I didn't mean to sound harsh, but my anger was starting to get to me.

"I can block some too," he said back quietly.

I hate you, I think in my head.

Harry winced beside me. Good, he heard that.

I walked inside and headed to the principal's office, leaving Harry standing by the front desk.

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