Chapter 45

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I stood there for a couple of minutes, staring blankly at him as my eyes slowly built up with tears. How many more times will I cry because of Harry? When will I finally run out of tears to shed?

What was the point in breaking up with Zayn if the person I love will only leave me again? I don't want to risk breaking the last few pieces of my heart that I have left.

Harry kept his eyes casted to the floor, but it didn't hide the fact that I could see the tears falling down his cheeks and onto the floor. It is a rare sight to see him cry - and yet one of the most beautiful things that I have ever witnessed in my life - although I wish I wasn't the reason why he had to cry in the first place.

"Aren't, aren't you going to say something?" I managed to whisper.

He looked up at me, his eyes red-rimmed. "Des, I...I..." He didn't even finish as he looked away from me once more.

I took in a shaky breath. "I get it, Harry. Let me know when you understand where I'm coming from," I told him and stepped around him. I half-ran down the hallway and to the stairs, cautiously making my way down them as to avoid an accident that Harry would most likely have to heal me from, and briskly walked out. Once I was outside, I broke into a run as fast as my weak legs could carry me.

When I walked onto my yard, I stopped instantly at the figure sitting on the steps of my porch. As I got closer, I noticed that it was only Zayn and he stood up to come meet me.

"Destinee?" He asked worriedly as he took in my tear stained face.

"Hi..." I sniffled and managed a very weak smile.

He cupped my face in both of his hands, his thumbs brushing away the fallen tears. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I was just...I..." A sob escaped into the middle of my sentence.

His eyes widened slightly. "Was the fight with your mom that bad?"

I shook my head. "N-no. I just missed him," I lie.

His eyes grew sympathetic and soon his arms encircled me. "Even if he doesn't speak to you, I know that he's still taking care of you. You shouldn't cry. You'll only make him feel bad."

I hug him back as I cried some more. "You're such a dork."

He chuckled. "I'm your dork." He pulled back slightly and gave me a small smile. "C'mon, babe. Smile for your dorky boyfriend. I'm sure neither him nor I want to see you cry. C'mon, smile."

I bury my face into his chest. "Then why is he always making me cry?"

I felt him kiss my hair. "I don't know. I don't think he means to. I mean, you're the one who thinks of something that makes you cry. You still remember that morning and I still remember the phone call that night, but do you think I want to keep remembering the fact that the girl I fell in love with died? I don't, Destinee. I don't think 'He' wants you to remember that either. I've never met him before, but from the way you describe him, it seems like he's the perfect guy. So, I know he's not doing it on purpose."

"Why must you always make sense?"

"It's cause I'm legit like that," he chuckled.

I laughed again. "Dork."

"Fine, I'm a legit dork. Pfft, that sounds even better."

I just laugh in response.

"That's right, sm-" Zayn stopped. "What the... Who the hell is that?"

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