Chapter 16

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"Destinee, wake up!" Mr. Coy tells me, stopping his lecture.

"I'm awake," I mutter dully.

Yeah, you can guess it. I'm just sitting here mopping about Harry.

"Well, lift your head then," he says impatiently.

I slowly lifted my head and looked at him.

His eyes widened with worry as he took in my bloodshot ones.

Mr. Coy slowly returned to his lesson while glancing at me every now and then with worried eyes.

I didn't understand a single word he said.

The bell rings ten minutes later and I stood up to leave when Mr. Coy beckons me over to his desk.

I make my way towards him as all the other students made their way out the door and to their last class.

"Are you alright?" Mr. Coy asks me as I stood in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie.

He sighed. "Why do I have the feeling that you're lying to me?"

I swallowed. "Because I am."

"Do you need to go home and get some rest?"

I shook my head. As much as I loved the idea of sulking in the comfort of my own bed, there was only one period left and it would be pointless going home when I could endure one more hour of people.

He eyed me skeptically. "Do you feel like going to your next class? I can make something up and you could stay here, if you want. My next class will be watching Romeo and Juliet. You interested?"

Bless this man.

"Sure, thanks."

"Anything for my best student. You can pick any seat and rest until the movie is playing. You can ignore me while I try to get the class ready, alright?" He smiled.

"Okay, thank you." I walked back to my seat and put my head down.

Soon the room started to become filled with students for Mr. Coy's next class. The room started to buzz with conversations and I just buried my head into my arms, trying my best to zone everyone out.

I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I lifted my head up to find a boy with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked him as he continued to stare at me. Normally, I would have blushed at his stare, but I was too depressed to even care.

"Sorry to scare you like that." He smiled kindly.

I nodded. "Is this your seat?"

"Well, yeah, but you can sit there," he said and sat in the seat beside me.

"Isn't that the vampire girl?" I heard a girl whisper. I turned to look at who it was and found her snickering.

"Shut up." The blonde haired, blue eyed boy tells her and she stayed quiet.

Ha. Serves you right, bitch.

"Were you crying?" His voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

Is that an accent I hear? It doesn't sound British though, more like an Irish accent.

I hadn't realized that I had been crying until he pointed it out.

I wiped my cheeks and then looked back to the front of the class, not answering his question.

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