Chapter 46

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I awoke to the high pitched shrill of my alarm clock. I sleepily lifted my hand and started hitting things on my bedside table until I found the source of the annoying sound, leaving my room in complete silence once more. I peeled my eyes open as much as I could with the stinging that they were causing me due to the amount of crying I had done and the lack of sleep I had gotten. I glanced at the clock to see that it was only six-thirty in the morning.

I almost threw my clock at the wall.

I turn onto my back and stared up at the ceiling in the darkness of my room. My lips were basically glued shut, my jaw held some pain, and my mouth was dry. I opened my mouth and licked my lips only to feel how chapped they were. How badly had I chewed them last night?

I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes when I realized that I was in my bed. I don't remember getting into bed last night. I was probably half-asleep when mom told me to get into bed.

I cough then wince at the pain in my throat. Geez, what doesn't hurt this morning?

I stand up and walk into my bathroom to wash my face with cold water to wake me up followed by brushing my teeth. Once that was done, I applied some Vaseline to my chapped lips, changed into a new pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, and made my way downstairs while putting my hair into a messy bun.

I sat down at the kitchen bar and put my head down.

"What's wrong, Destinee?" My mom asked. "You're up quite early."

"I don't feel well at all," I mumble.

"Do you want to eat something? Do you have a cold?"

"I think so. I feel nauseous."

"Maybe you have the flu or something. I'm going to make you some soup, okay?"

"Thanks. Oh, and thanks for putting me back into bed last night."

"What are you talking about? I just got back an hour ago."

"What?" My head snapped up. Whoa, head rush. Ow.

My mother stared at me. "What did you do to your lips?"

"I chewed on them last night. I didn't think they were that bad."

"What happened yesterday?" She asked concerned as she placed two pills of Tylenol and a glass of water right in front of me.

"A lot of things, mom. A lot of things," I tell her as I swallow the pills and chug down all the water. "It has to do with Harry and Zayn."

"Would that explain the blood covered wall I have outside?"

My eyes widened. "I didn't..."

"It's okay, honey. I already cleaned it. I never miss a mess, but I'm guessing it was Zayn's blood."

I nodded.

"Why'd Harry do it?"

"Aren't you going to ask about what he did first?"

"Of course." She put all the ingredients into the pot on the stove before standing in front of me.

I told her everything that happened yesterday. How Zayn had come over and everything that had happened to him.

The phone rings and I reach over to pick it up. "Hello?" I answer.

"Ms. Montez?" A male voice asks.

"This is she."

"You must come to the hospital."

I stood up straighter. "Why? What happened?"

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