Chapter 42

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(image because beanie harry makes me melt)


After an hour of being cooped up in his room, Harry had the most brilliant idea of taking a walk and no, not on the light, snow covered streets because apparently the forest was a much better place to take a walk, outside, where it was lightly snowing.

After I had given him one of my signature, "Are you crazy?" looks, to which he just rolled his eyes at, he made me hop onto his back and the next thing I knew, the wind was stinging my eyes. I buried my face in between Harry's neck and shoulder for what seemed like only a few minutes, until I felt a warm heat sensation on my back. I lifted my head a bit and rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at our surroundings as Harry slowed to a stop.

Harry patted the back of my right thigh twice as a signal that I could hop off his back, which I literally did, but not without giving him a quick kiss of the cheek first. Once my feet were firmly on the ground, Harry spun around to face me with a smile on his face and gave a quick kiss to my forehead. After returning a smile back at him, I took a look at my surroundings.


We were definitely in a forest.

The question is, where in the world?

I looked back and up at Harry questioningly as he snaked his arms around my waist. He chuckled at the puzzled look on my face.

"I promise I didn't just take you as my hostage," he playfully rolled his eyes at me. I nudged him with my elbows and he chuckled once more. "Relax, we're somewhere in Spain. What? Did you think I would take you into a forest in London, where it is snowing, with me as your 'heat' supply? Yeah, no. C'mon, Des. Give me some credit," Harry said, pretending to be offended.

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head, a smile still on my lips nevertheless. He grinned back at me and pecked me lightly on the lips. "C'mon. How about that walk?" He motioned with his head for us to walk in. He grabbed a hold of my left hand and we began our walk further into the forest.

I had to admit, this forest was really beautiful. The sunlight seeped in through the little gaps within the tree leaves and provided a golden blanket of warmth.

We walked around aimlessly, talking about the most random things. He told me about some of the things he did as a ghost along with some things he did when he had to hunt to get rid of his uncontrollable thirst. I didn't realize how much it hurt him to be next to me. He also told me about how when he was disguised and attacked me that he was close to killing me. Then, when he had seen me with Zayn in the hall where he had kissed me and how it felt to him when I had kissed Zayn back, which made me drop my head in shame.

"I can't lie," Harry started off, slowing our walk to a stop and look up at the trees. "It hurt me to see you in another guy's arms along with the grief of knowing that you had moved on to someone normal... someone safe." He turned and faced me, looking into my eyes. The sun seeping in had made his clear, gold eyes twinkle. "But," a smile had made its way onto his red lips, yet he looked away and out into the distance, "It was also a stupid move. He is seriously stupid when it comes to pulling a move on a girl." He chuckled again. "Also, I can't just ignore the hatred he has towards me, which he has made very clear about." A wicked smile graced his lips, as if he enjoyed Zayn's hatred.

I don't know why, but the fact of Zayn hating Harry came as a shock to me. I didn't know that Zayn really hated Harry, just that he had a disliking towards him. "He does?"

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Yeah," the wicked smile still on his lips, "Only out of jealousy though."

I tilted my head at him. "What do you mean?"

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