Young justice mother - you meet their mentors

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The boys had been keeping a secret from your which was at were using their powers or skills in a way at might not be expect by you if your found out. The boys need respect you but they knew of you found out you would talk them out of it and so now they are, hall justice after a successful mission.

Clark " hey why don't I give you boys a ride back home it not safe to walk home" the boys were looking at Superman they meme they were mot goin to get out of this. Dick, wally, and Conner were at hall of justice while Matt, Apollo, and zanta were somewhere else.

Dick " sure" the boys had given Clark their home address and they were hoping you were not home but, luck was no on their side this time.

Conner " do you think she is home right now"

Wally " no she had to stay at work late to do some work on her newest project"

Dick " so we have to get home and act like we been home for an hour"

Clark " who is this her you all have been taking about lately"

Dick " ummmm ..... oh look we are home" the boys soon got out car and dick was about to open the door when someone open the door and they saw you standing there.

Y/n " there you all are wait where are your brothers"

Wally " hey mom you are home early"

Y/n " yeah I got done early .... so who is your friend"

Conner " oh yes mom this is Clark Kent he one of our mentors from our youth program"

Clark " hello miss your sons are doing a great job in the program"

Y/n " thanks" the boys had ran into the house and before you could say anything else your other sons showed up, and ran into the house quickly.

Apollo " hey mom"

Matt " bye mom"

???? " good evening miss l/n I'm the mentor of your sons who ran into the house right now I'm Oliver queen"

Y/n " hello" the two man were looking at you none of the hero's knew who their mentors lived with, and they never thought they boys had a mother. Clark and Oliver soon left and you close the door right behind you, the boys were hoping you didn't know but you knew it was called a mother senses but the boys were being safe and having fun so you were going to let them stay like this for while.

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