Batman - you save your kids and him

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You are wife of superhero and mother to young super-boys so you one knew your life will not be normal, and there will be times where you are worried sick about your family about their missions. You knew you had to give your husband and sons some faith, when it comes to them saving the day.

You are walking around in city bank where you sons were all be heel hostages, they were caught by black mask and his crew Bruce was also be held hostage as well. Soon when you heard the news you didn't think about it for a second, decide you were going to stop black mask and save your sons and your husband.

Y/n " I swear I never thought i will be here" you had seek into the bank and were able to get past some guards, you grabbed a metal rod just in case you need it to knock someone out.

Henchmen 1 " hey check over there and see if anyone left in the building"

Henchmen 2 " sure I will like to kill or hurt someone" you soon saw the guys was coming to you do you soon swag the metal rod and knocked the guys out fast and quick.

Y/n " okay going on with the rest of the plan" you soon had taken off guys mask and coat and put them on fast, and soon hidden the guy behind a few chairs.

Y/n " okay let go" you soon walked down the hallway and soon came across the room where you sons and husband were being held, and there was two bombs there.

Henchmen 3 " you there what are you doing here"

Y/n " I'm here to watch the Batman and the boys right now you two are going to watch over the outside of this room"

Henchmen 4 " fine don't only them to escape"

Y/n " yes sir" soon the guys left the room fast but you knew you couldn't take off your mask yet.

Dick " are here to finish you master work you fool"

Y/n " well I'm here to help you escape and save Gotham" you soon had taken off your mask and looked at you husband, and sons who were shocked and happy.

Tim " mom"

Y/n " hello"

Bruce " what are you ...,"

Y/n " can we talked about this later we have to save the city before we all die"

Bruce " fine" before you could do anything you were pulled back quickly you soon looked up, and saw it was one of black mask henchmen.

Y/n " ......." you had grabbed the metal rod and you swag it knocking the guys out hard and fast, that he made a loud tump when he hit the ground. Your kids just look at you with a shock look on his experience on his face, while Bruce just gives you a smirk in his face.

Damien " mom"

Y/n " what I took self defense in college and high school"

Jason " okay mom nice hit" you soon ran over to Bruce and used a pocket knife and cut him lose, you soon cut you sons out of their ropes.

Bruce " okay you can all ask your mother questions later we have to save the city" your husband and sons save the day, you all return to the bat cave. The kids had asked you many questions about you self defense skills and you answered them.

Y/n " so you ever going to tell the boys I beat you one time in match"

Bruce " nope and I let you win dear"

Y/n " what Bruce" Bruce soon picked you up and kissed you on the lips and gave you his usual smirk.

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