Superbats - taking you home

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Just like all your other brothers your fathers had used a surrogate women and when they found out you are a girl they were overjoyed with the news. Right away they started planning what your nursery will look like along with coming up, with the right name for you.

Dick " they are here they are back from the hospital" your fathers had left early this morning after getting a call from the hospital saying your surrogate mother, went into labor and they need to be there if anything happened.

Conner " I can't believe we finally have a baby sister"

Jason " come on let's go meet her"the boys race down the stairs happy yo finally meet their baby sister but when yhe7 finally got down the steps, they saw their fathers were already in the house.

Clark " hey boys it seems like you are always to meet your baby sister"

Jason " Can we see her dad please"

Bruce " sure you guys can we can all meet here in the living room" soon everyone was in the living room and your brothers had already all for you, they had started grow overprotective of your already.

John " why is she so small dad"

Bruce " because she was born a few weeks early kiddo but she is okay now"

Tim " what is her name dad"

Bruce " her name is y/n Kent-Wayne"

Alfred " are you already for the family photo celebrating the young miss arrival in the family"

Bruce " yes Alfred we are ready" it had become a family tradition when ever a new baby was born into the family, there was a family picture taken with everyone in the house at including Alfred as well. It was your first day in the house and you had already stole everyone heart when you first smiled at them.

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