Wife reader - how you meet them two 2

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Being the wife of superhero was something special to you and different from what you thought you life will be, when you were younger. When you meet the love of your life you had thought this relationship with be some what normal, but you knew that was not going to happen until you found out what your husband real was and their second life they hidden from you. You can still remember that day or night you had meet your future husband and every detail of that time that will change, your life forever.

Aqua man

You has meet your husband, your future best friend, and brother in law when you were younger when you father had brought you with me to a meeting at the castle with the queen.

Queen Atlanna " hello general sora and who may this cutie be with you"

General sora " hello your majesty this is my daughter y/n"

Queen Atlanna " well hello y/n I have heard so much about your from your father"

Y/n " hello your majesty" soon three boys come swimming into the throne room fast and you soon hide behind, your father.

Queen atlanna " boys come meet general sora daughter y/n" soon the three boys swim over to you and your father.

Young Arthur " hello"

Y/n " hello"

Young mero " hey"

Young orm " ...."

Queen altanna" orm are you going to say hey"

Young orm " ......"

General sora " it okay your majesty"

Young Arthur " hey do you want to come swimming with us near the coral reef cove"

Y/n " sure father is it okay I go play with them"

General sora " it okay sweetie but make sure you are home before dark"

Y/n "okay" Arthur soon grabs you hand and you both soon swim our of the throne room with mero while orm went somewhere else, because he already didn't like you from the start. For the rest of afternoon you played with ghetto young prince and the young guard in the coral reefs, playing a few pranks on the guards and scaring puffer fish.

Green lantern ( Hal Jordan)

You are walking around the bass trying to find you two best guy friends because once again they are gone, and there was work to be done. You soon came to the platform where the planes and jets were test and repaired and you soon lay your eyes on, one of your friends.

Y/n " Carlos where is hal"

Carlos " oh hey y/n what going on"

Y/n " don't hey me where is hal"

Carlos " yes the air flying the new plan and he is coming down right" soon hal plan landed and Carlos run over to him while you still remember, that day your father had brought you to the air base and you meet Carlos and Hal at day.

Y/n father " stay here I'm going to run a few test on the plans .... you might make some new friends"

Y/n " okay dad" you dad soon leaves you and you started to hear some laughing you soon, follow the laughter and see it leading up some steps that are attach to giant plane. You soon walk up the steps and see two boys around your age playing in the plans acting like they are flying it.

Y/n " what are you doing"

????? " who are you"

Y/n " my name is y/n and what about you two"

???? " I'm hal"

???? " I'm Carlos"

Carlos " I'm guessing your mom or dad works here right"

Y/n " yes my dad works here what about you two"

Hal " our dads work here to as well ....hey do you want to play with us we are bored and none of the kids want to okay with us"

Y/n " sure"

Carlos " now let's get back to the game before someone else come in here" you and the guys play in the plan taking trying to pretend that you are all flying the plane.

Wondrous man

You are head to a beach to meet up with your brother Steve after her called you and told you, he has a new friend he wants you to meet. So when you got to the beach you saw your brother standing right next to some tall guy, that looks like he not from around here.

Y/n " Steve"

Steve " y/n hey I will like you to meet my new friend Dane he amazon spartan man"

Y/n " oh hello Dane"

Wondrous man " it great to meet you y/n your brother has speak highly of you"

Steve " we were wondering if you will help make Dane into the hero he will become , he was given the gift of the Roman gods and goddesses"

Y/n " well this sounds like this is going go be a great adventure.... so yes"

Wondrous man " thank you y/n for helping me with my adventure" Dane soon gave you a hug and you saw Steve smirking at you.

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