『new love, old love

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A/N: This is a long and very fun chapter for me to write. Hope you guys enjoy it! Drama and villains are back next chapter, you can bet your butt on that. And thank you so much for the support! Every comment helps A LOT in writing future chapters <3


"Here are a few pages I need you to read over." You hand Haku and his wife a stack of papers. With the sea wind dancing violently in the air, you make sure that both of them get a good grip on them before letting go.

Haku immediately skims through them to ascertain the contents before providing his insight. "This is... a very detailed conflict resolution plan. Why is this ten pages?"

"You want fifty pages? Because it was fifty pages before I skinned it down to ten." You eye him warily and he shakes his head. "Good, because I would have brought the original if you thought we needed a more detailed resolution."

"Do you always make these?" Haku's wife, Fey, questions as she begins to read the preface of the documents.

"Yes, she always does." Hieu walks into the conversation, having just finished calling for the ship's departure, and earns the curious attention of all on board.

Haku sends you an inquisitive stare in hopes of baiting you to introduce the man. "Ah, this is Hieu, my permanent bodyguard... but mostly a glorified assistant."

"I see. I think Tonraq invited someone else for the journey, but they will meet us along the way." Haku forces a laugh which does nothing to quell your concern.

Knowing you will receive nothing from your friend, you nod your head and return to watching Korra's movements; she runs up to every person on the ship to introduce herself, using her Avatar title quite liberally.

"After meeting Senna, I had a feeling their kid was going to end up rambunctious," you laugh. "I didn't think it would be like this."

Fey lowers her hands to her abdomen while chuckling. The small gesture gains your attention though you do not speak on it. Much more claims your thoughts, and should they announce the arrival of their first child, you prefer if it as a surprise to all.


It takes two days for the ship to arrive close to the Norther Water tribe's borders. With the colder waters and random ice caps floating, you know your ship is close. You gaze at the water pull and crash against the surface of the ship, lulling you into a quiet respite.

"Do you need coffee or tea?" 

You don't need to look to know who the calming voice belongs to. It's been a constant in your life for years now, a great soothing agent in your most stressful of times. "No, I'm good. Thanks, Hieu."

He smiles and positions himself beside you. "Tough day again with Korra?"

"Yes... I'm beginning to realize that taking care of a kid is tough. It's no wonder Tonraq was hesitant in having her go with me," you chuckle. "I just thought they needed some attention, some guidance, and sustenance to survive."

"What a pragmatic approach to child rearing." His laughter comes out in puffs of cold air, their contagious nature infecting you. "But then again, that's how you are."

"Hmm." You return to your thoughts. After just one day of taking care of her on your own, many conclusions have arisen. One such realization concerns Iroh and his decision not to marry you. He knew you would want to start a family, but he wasn't ready for such a commitment. And from how you handled these last two days, you can safely say you aren't ready as well. 

The Unpredictable Fire Adventurers [General Iroh II x Reader] [Legend of Korra]Where stories live. Discover now