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(Chapter 51)A little jealousy

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(Chapter 51)
A little jealousy...

Author POV

Jimin was standing on the set for their new music video 'Boy in luv'. He was looking over the script indicating what would be happening in each scene. The time was running out to get the video produced, the music video was set to come out on 11th February and the album 'Skool luv affair' the day after, the 12th.

Jimin's navy wings bristled slightly when he saw that they all had to pretend to seduce a girl. Apparently she was a Beta, and a very pretty one at that. Jimin shifted uneasily in his school outfit. He wasn't the best at seducing people, and now he had to try and seduce a stranger in a music video that all their fans would see.

He read over the script again barely noticing that his hands were shaking with nerves.

"Jiminie you alright?" Hoseok appeared beside him.

"Mmm yeah, I'm fine" he muttered back, eyes never leaving the script.

The script was plucked out of his hands, by the sunset orange winged Alpha.

"No you're not, you are shaking alot" Hoseok pointed out.

"I'm not good at it?" Jimin answered as if the sentence was the answer to all the problems.

"No good at what?" Hoseok reached forward from where he was leaning against the table, his hand grabbed Jimin's and pulled him closer.

"It says I have to pretend to seduce the girl in the script. I am not good at it Hobi-hyung" Jimin complained to the elder.

"Is this what's got you so worried Jiminie?" Hoseok inquired.

"Mmm" Jimin nodded his head.

"All you need to do is offer her the rose and sing your lines. Smile a little you don't have to go full on seduction. Play it cute, shy if you want to. Do what makes you comfortable, and if the directors have a problem with that I will talk to them about it" Hoseok vowed.

"Ok thank you Hobi-hyung" Jimin looked alittle more relieved now that he had the orange winged Alpha on his side.

"Want to practice? I can grab one of the prop roses if you want?" Hoseok offered.

Jimin nodded, practicing could make it feel easier. Hoseok bounded away to grab one of the stage roses. He quickly returned holding the rose in one hand.

"Here" he handed it to Jimin, who felt the plastic stem against his palm.

"So you need to sing these lines while handing me the rose." Hoseok took a quick glance at the script, he hadn't looked over Jimin's part, only his own.

Jimin looked deep in thought as he tried to remember the lines that came with the part he was about to act.

Jimin held the rose in both hands, petals facing up under his chin. He sang the words slowly as he tried to remember them, but seeing Hoseok's intense look made him nervous.

"Here like this" Hoseok took the flower from Jimin and began to sing the words using the script. Jimin felt himself flush at the intense look Hoseok was bestowing upon him.

Hoseok could see the apprehension on Jimin's face so he decided to take his mind off the present. Maybe get him more into a romantic mood to perform in the scene better.

"You look handsome" Hoseok told him.

"Handsome?" Hoseok watched with a delighted grin as Jimin's cheeks became stained with a rosy hue.

"Thank you, you look good as well. You always do" the second sentence was supposed to remain in his mind but it had Hoseok flushing as it was said aloud. His inner Alpha preening from the praise.

Jimin took the flower from Hoseok and began the scene again. Hoseok couldn't take his eyes off of him. He wasn't lying when he said Jimin was handsome. It was just the plain and honest truth.

Jimin looked more at ease with his flushed cheeks, rose held gently in his grasp. His voice singing the melody, Hoseok was captivated and he knew the Army would be too if he were to perform like this infront of the camera.

Jimin offered the rose shyly to Hoseok as he finished his verse. Hoseok took it and did an exaggerated swoon watching as Jimin laughed at his dramatic antics.

They approached the set together. Apparently it was Jin and the Beta girl's scene. He had to pin her against a locker before holding her hand and pulling her down the corridor.

Jimin watched as the director yelled action and the scene began. Jimin frowned when he saw Jin push the girl against the locker, an ugly twisting sensation filled him as Jin lent closer.

He couldn't identify the emotion, only acknowledging that his inner omega was howling with rage, Jimin could hear the vicious comments that were spat in the direction of the pretend couple. Jimin mentally shushed him, barely realising his wings were coiled tight and face frowning.

Jimin watched as they over laid the music and the indicator noise was made to inform them they should start to make their way down the corridor. Jimin turned his head away, driven by the emotionally reactions of his inner omega.

Jimin realised why he had turned his head away, Jin was running down the corridor with the girl, hand in hand.

"Our Alpha" his inner omega whined. Jimin's inner omega had taken the hand holding to be a betrayal.

'We aren't dating, he isn't our Alpha' Jimin protested mentally. His inner omega wasn't looking only forcing Jimin to look intensely at the interlocked hands.

'But you wish he was. You wish all of them were. Don't try and deny it Jimin because I am you and I know what you truly desire' he inner omega spoke to him. It was rare that he did, but Jimin took the conversations to heart, after all no one knew him better than his own subconscious, his inner omega.

Feeling the truth behind the words Jimin was able to identify the emotion that clouded his mind. Jealousy.


Another chapter done, I hope you liked it.

The jealously chapters are coming. We are going to get some jealous Jimin and a whole load of jealous Alpha.

Plus this month of writing is going to be fun, we have the jealousy chapters, valentine's day, Hoseok's birthday, it is the month where I will officially have been an army for 3 years. So I will do something special for each of them. I hope you enjoy them when they come.

Anywho I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

We got some cute Jihope, I felt like I had been neglecting them so I hope I made up for that.




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