Bonus 2

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(Bonus chapter 2)Jihoon and Jaylin Park

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(Bonus chapter 2)
Jihoon and Jaylin Park


Author POV

Jihoon was forever in his little brother Jimin's debt. 

Jihoon was an avid readers, though many would never guess that about him. He even attended a regular book club run by a small book shop. The shop had a vintage aesthetic, it was cosy and inviting, it was a secret safe haven for him. The pretty Omega who worked there was also an attributing factor. It must have been a family business otherwise she wouldn't have been allowed to work.

Long dark hair pulled up so it didn't fall in her face as she worked, often wearing oversized soft woollen jumpers, pastel pink wings often held tight to her body, a book in hand it hadn't taken him long to fall for her, each time he had seen her when he walked past or in the shop had made his heart quicken in his chest.

It had taken him weeks before he had resolved himself to finally fire his shot. With a small smile she had accepted and he remembered the feeling of pure elation that had unfurled like a flower in his chest. He had phoned his Dad immediately to tell him, wanting to share his happiness.

It had taken him 6 dates, 6 really good dates to see a future courtship with Jaylin, she just got him. Made him feel safe, loved and appreciated. He had hoped with all his being that she reciprocated his feelings. 

His first gift to her in the courtship was the classic jewellery as per tradition. He remembers her wrist held out when he had offered the bracelet a look of pure hope on his face. As he knelt and secured the clasp of the bracelet she had reached down to press a kiss to his forehead, hands cupping his face with great care.


The second gift was the one Jimin had suggested, predictably his brother knew his own sub gender well as Jaylin had physically jumped up and down when he had offered her a full spa day and romantic meal and film date. 

They had gone to the dinner after the spa with matching nails, Jaylin had grinned manically, wings fluttering with excitement when Jihoon had offered out his own hands to have his nails painted. She had even taken a photo with both of their hands up to show them off, but what she had done with it next had warmed Jihoon's heart. She favourited it and kept it in her gallery, he never saw it on her social media either, realising she wanted to keep the moment as only theirs' only made him fall deeper in love than he already was.


The third and final courtship gift had been an old book she had spent years trying to collect, he had gone to his mother for that one, his mother just had connections all over. So when he had obtained the book he had planned a whole date.

Slipping in the ring he hoped she would wear into the pages. It was traditional that the last gift offered in courtship would include a marriage proposal and he could only hope she would accept.

The book had predictably made her smile and cry out of joy as she held the precious gift to her chest, the pricelessness on her face when the ring had fallen out of the book into her hand had been stunning, at least that was Jihoon's opinion.

She had nodded her head so fast that he worried for her neck, but never the less he had lifted her in his arms, spinning her with elation. She had spread her wings out as he did so, the wind catching on her feathers as they span together, when he had finally stopped they just embraced each other. With Jaylin still lifted in his arms she had merely rested her wings over his in a wing hug of sorts, their red and wings complimenting one another.


It was 2 years after Jimin had stood on stage again a free Omega that they had tried for a child. Jihoon had been proud of his little brother, proud that he was giving Omegas more choices and rights. He felt like it would be safe to have a child especially with his younger brother advocating for equal rights for every sub gender.

It was summer when they were successful, they had cried as they hugged, overcome with joy at the beginning of their family together. Jaylin and Jimin had become the best of friends the moment they had met, Jaylin had even had Jimin in her bridal party as she walked down the isle at their wedding. 

Jimin had cooed and shared her joy in a way only Omegas could, Jihoon had been confused only minutes into the facetime conversation. They made less and less sense the more it continued, but it made 2 members of his family happy so he had stayed away, allowing them to share their joy together.


It was December when their child had arrived, the snow was heavy that year. He hadn't understood why his parents had cried when they gazed out the window at the snow fall. Jemian was full on bawling as he held his first grandchild, even Carmine had looked misty eyed.

Their little Hei-Ran was a beautiful girl, eyes full of wonder at the world she had been brought into by love and care. 

Jihoon had held her close as she scented him. Relaxing into the scent of sandalwood, she smelt scentless, with a faint trace of the peach scent Jaylin bore. Babies aren't born with their wings, merely little nubs on their backs where their wings would grow from. 

He had sat down curled into his wife's side, their precious child held to her mother's chest, lulled into sleep by the mixed mated scent of her parents. Peaches and sandalwood wasn't an obvious combination, unique in its aroma. But for Hei-Ran those scents would become her safe space, her comfort.

But for now the family of three would bask in each other's presence and enjoy the moment that would be a pivotal change in their lives.


Can you guess which child Jimin and his Alphas acquire in bonus chapter 4?

Hopefully you liked it.




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