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(Chapter 11)Cooking lessons and doubts

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(Chapter 11)
Cooking lessons and doubts

Author POV

Jimin wouldn't say he was an amazing cook but he did know how to cook. If cooking included putting a microwavable meal into a microwave.

He tended to focus more on other skills that he never really found himself standing in a kitchen other than to eat his mother's amazing food or raid the fridge or cupboards for snacks.

He knew that society deemed that the Omega should be the one in the kitchen. When an Omega presented they dropped all lessons in educational knowledge and instead were taught how to maintain a house, raise a family, cook. Jimin dropped out of school before that happened, he wanted to perform and becoming subservient to society wouldn't get him anywhere in that dream.

So seeing Jin in the kitchen surprised him. Cooking wasn't stereotypically seen as an Alpha's trait. But Jin had confessed his love for cooking and excelled in it.

However seeing Jin cook in the kitchen made Jimin feel bad, he knew the Alpha liked to cook but he also knew that he must be exhausted from the same schedule as everyone else and on top of that cooking and preparing all the meals at the dorm. (Namjoon had been swiftly banned from the kitchen, though Jimin didn't know the reason why).

"Jin-hyung." He asked tentatively.

"Yes Jimin-ah" Jin turned to the Beta, his voice sounded exhausted and his movement was slow.

"Can I help in any way, I can help prepare some of the vegetables" Jimin knew how to cut vegetables, however his mother had stopped him last time. Jimin was one of the clumsiest people that his mother knew, after seeing him almost take the top of his finger off when cutting food for their meal she swiftly prevented him from doing anything revolving sharp objects in the kitchen.

But Jin didn't know that, instead he had the biggest smile of relief. And that made Jimin happy, his inner omega having a party in his mind that he had made what it considered his Alpha happy.

Jin instructed Jimin how much he need preparing. They began to work in tandem.

Soon that silence was broken when Jimin let out a high pitched whine of pain. He had managed to slice into his finger when cutting the kimchi. The wound was shallow but still bleeding.

Jin turned immediately at the sound, it sounded much like an omega in pain he thought weirdly. But he dismissed that thought as he focussed on Jimin who seemed to have blood running down his finger.

He quickly grabbed a wet cloth and took the youngers smaller hands into his own pressing the wet cloth to the wound.

"Hold that there while I find you a plaster" he instructed.

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