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(Chapter 102)I'm not ready

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(Chapter 102)
I'm not ready

Author POV

It was the day before the trial and Jimin was riddled with nerves. Unable to stand or sit long without his body rushing with adrenaline mixed with anxiety. His sleep the night before hadn't been good, so he was energised on coffee today. Which probably wasn't helping.

"Jimin you should sit down, your wings aren't supposed to be allowed to hang for too long, it will delay the recovery. They need time to rest and heal." Jin reminded him.

Jimin let out a huff but ultimately listened collapsing down onto the new sofa, his wings splayed out around him like a fallen angel. His halo broken and he was condemned to a human life, where he would have his share in both the pleasures and sufferings of the middle ground.

Now was his time of suffering and strife. But Jimin was trying to see it as a hill to over come to have his happiness. But the hill was starting to look like a 50 foot unclimbable mountain instead. That felt less achievable.

Taehyung came to sit beside him, wrapping his ash wings around the Omega pulling him onto his chest. Taehyung lay on his back, length ways on the sofa, Jimin splayed out messily on his chest, wings falling to the floor.

It was hard to distinguish where they were due to the large array of wings and feathers in the way. The light blue and ash grey blending together in  perfect complimenting colours.

"Stop moving, I don't want you hurting your wings again" Taehyung instructed Jimin. Jimin huffed, the charms on his collar chinking together when he moved his head to a more comfortable position. Finally laying still, comfortable.

"Sleep, if you are tired it will only make you more exhausted later. I will stay with you" Taehyung whispered.

And the moment Taehyung said the word exhausted, it was like switch had been flipped in Jimin. He felt so so tired, like he could barely keep his eyes open.

Taehyung's hand came to brush his eyelids closed. Jimin's eyelashes fluttering against the palm of his hand as he lulled his Omega into a somewhat peaceful sleep.

His mouth open as he took in puffs of air. But it was the most relaxed Taehyung had seen him in a while. He had practically been wearing a hole in the new carpet from the amount of pacing he had done throughout the day.

"I'll go make him some food, it will be good to get him to eat something. He hasn't had much of an appetite all day. Not that I blame him." Jin stated.

The others nodded, Hoseok jumping up to join Jin in the kitchen. None of them really wanting to be alone at the moment.

The impending trial putting them all on edge. The thought of their Omega being taken away from them, to try and change him into a perfect model Omega. They didn't want him to change, they fell in love with their Jiminie just as he was. They didn't want him to change one bit.

"Do you think we will win?" Jungkook asked, his voice shy and timid. Reminding the others that Jungkook had only presented less than 2 years ago. He sounds so young and naive in that moment.

"Jimin's mother is an ex lawyer. I've looked her up, she was the best of the best when she worked." Namjoon replied.

"So with her help we should have a solid case, I think we have a solid chance of winning if we play our cards right" Yoongi stated.

Jungkook nodded taking the comfort his hyungs provided. But he still remained curled in on himself, feeling concerned. His inner Alpha not quite sure how to react, so he was going through a range of emotions. Not quite able to find the right one.

The distressed and worried scent coming from their Omega mate wasn't helping. It was sending their inner Alphas into a frenzy. Though the older members were able to control it, as they were able to provide that their mate was safe as he was curled up in Taehyung's arms sleeping peacefully.

But for both Jungkook and Taehyung it was difficult. Taehyung had counteracted the feeling by curling up on the sofa to sleep with Jimin. Wrapped within eachothers arms.


They eventually woke Jimin up 45 minutes later. The Omega looked significantly better after the impromptu nap.

"I brought you some rice porridge. It should warm up up, keep you full and it taste good. Hoseok tried some" Jin sat down with the warm bowl in his lap.

Hoseok sent a thumbs up when he was mentioned. Confirming Jin's statement.

Jimin sat up, remaining on Taehyung's lap, Jungkook was quick to dart up onto the sofa. Avoiding brushing Taehyung's ash wings he curled into Jimin's side, his head resting on the Omega's thigh. Finally able to sort out the mess in his head, now that he had physical contact with his mate.

Jimin allowed it, as Jin lifted the spoon to Jimin's lips. Jin fed him the whole bowl. Pumping out a pleased and satisfied scent of night jasmine in an attempt to calm down Jimin. Taking note that Jimin had calmed down his blueberry scent no longer harsh with anxiety. Though all of the Alpha's noses had turned up at the smell. Not liking how overpowering it was.

Especially Taehyung and Jungkook since they were opposite Jin. Getting t full force of it. Though the contact with Jimin made them stay. Though it was uncomfortable for them.

"Thank you for all being there for me, I appreciate you all as my mates, friends, hyungs and group. I'm sorry I dragged you into my mess-" Jimin said.

"-a mess we are happily in to support you" Yoongi interrupted him. The others nodding at the heterochromic Alpha's statement.

"Thank you, I love you all so much. I don't know what I did for you to help me like this?" Jimin finished.

"You allowed us to fall in love with you" was Yoongi's answer.


So the next chapter is the trail or a part of the trial.

Also thank you so much for getting Wings to #2 in Jiminxbts. I appreciate it.

Anyway I hope you like the chapter

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Anyway I hope you like the chapter.




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