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(Chapter 6)Marshmallows and hot chocolate

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(Chapter 6)
Marshmallows and hot chocolate

Author POV

Namjoon had texted the address to Jimin of where to meet the next member of the group. It was at an Art cafe near to the company building.

Jimin decided to dress more fashionably for the occasion, styling his hair in a way that made it look good, highlighted his features, while looking fluffy and effortless. It really wasn't effortless though.

He made sure to touch up the wing dye, grimacing as it hardened onto his wings. The discomfort never really left, but it was essential to apply it. Then it was time to apply the scent blockers and finally to down the heat and scent suppressants. He coughed slightly as he swallowed the pills.

Twirling slightly infront of the mirror built into the wardrobe door. He deemed himself presentable, closing the wardrobe door and exiting his bedroom. Not without grabbing his phone and his tangled headphones.

He hummed a tune under his breath, untangling the headphones as he made his way downstairs. Smiling as he sees the packed lunch his father made for him. His father being the better cook between his parents. His mother was an Alpha and his father a Omega. That is how he got away with the lie that he was a Beta.

It was very uncommon for an Alpha and Omega couple to have an omega child. Especially when it was the Alpha who got pregnant. But here he is, Park Jimin the person who could never half do something. It was all or nothing.

He grabbed the food from the kitchen bench stuffing it into his backpack,  slinging it over his shoulder. He stopped when he eyed up his favourite snack, Honey Butter Crisps, something he adored and would not hesitate to fight over. He also grabbed a pack of Honey Butter Crisps. It was a mulitpack designed for sharing. But to be honest who ever shared their snacks?

He made his way to the door munching on the crisps, sliding his keys into his back pocket. Pulling out his phone he placed the location Namjoon had sent to him into his phone, but not before sending a text message to his Dad's phone, thanking him for the packed lunch. His father always said that it made his day so Jimin did it every day without fail. Being a sucker for his father's smile, it was contagious, and many people said he had inherited that feature. Jimin was glad, it was something he loved about his father.

He had finally untangled the headphones, placing them in his ears, he played some of the demo tracks he had been creating in his bedroom. Well more so his own singing. Even though he originally cringed on hearing his voice through a recording he realised being a singer ment he had to over come this awkwardness.

He began to hum along to the lyrics trying to find the sounds that could go well with the words. But it was kind of difficult when he had his cheeks stuffed to the brim with Honey Butter Crisps, resembling a hamster or chipmunk. But he really couldn't careless, they tasted good and he was happy.

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