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(Chapter 71)An offer of courtship

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(Chapter 71)
An offer of courtship

Author POV

Courtship is an integral part of society and blooming relationships. Courtship showed the true intentions of one person to another. There were several stages to take within a courtship, it also depended upon the secondary gender of a person, as it played a major part in how they would go about the process.

The first courtship gift should always be offered infront of the family to show the person's honorable intentions.

There are many stages to courtship, for example an Alpha would have 5 courtship stages.

1 - The initial gift, usually something of value to show that they paid attention to one another. To show the value of a friendship usually.

2 - The second would be a meal in public to show that they are proud of their relationship and aren't afraid to hide in the shadows. If someone tried to hide their courtship it could be an indication of not truly offering their affections.

3 - The third would be a gift of material wealth, whether that be an item of clothing or a piece of jewelry.

4 - The fourth would be a home cooked meal, a chance to show the Alpha could provide and care for their lover and any children should they choose to have them.

5 - The fifth was by far the most important as it was the final gift in the relationship. The final gift would be a handcrafted collar, ring/necklace or bracelet depending on the person's significant other. Ring or necklace for an Alpha, bracelet for a Beta, and finally a collar for an Omega. This final gift is almost like a wedding ring of sorts, it is to show the permanence of their relationship and warns others that the person is in a relationship.

The final step would be a mating bite, but not all relationships have a bite to show their bond. A mating bite was the oldest and most sacred bond within society. It binds the souls of the pair's bodies, or more than pairs if the relationship involves more than 2 people. A mating bite merges the scents of 2 people and is perminant. Even if one was to lose their bond partner the mating bite will never truly disappear only fade. Once the mating bite has been given the heat and rut of partners, if they are and Alpha and Omega, would sync up with eachother.


Yoongi held in his hand something that could make or break his relationship with Jimin. It was a song he had worked on tirelessly, intended only for Jimin's ears. Music was the best way Yoongi expressed himself and he tried to convey all the emotions he felt for Jimin into a 3 minute long song. He only hoped it was enough.

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