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(Chapter 4)Heterochromia

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(Chapter 4)

Author POV

Jimin once again stood infront of the mirror, he was going to meet the next member of Namjoon's flock at one of the studios as Bighit Entertainment.

So he decided to dress casual, donning some jeans, timberland boots and an oversized hoodie that belonged to his Alpha brother.

He pulled the hood up and put his headphones in and began to listen. He left the house after slipping the keys into his pocket.

He made his way to Bighit Entertainment he had a slight bounce in his step, subconsciously dancing to the music that blasted through his headphones.

His nervousness forgotten in the beat of the song. Jimin continuously tapped his fingers to the melody and beat of the song.


He immediately pulled out his headphones as he approached the Bighit Entertainment building. Without any hesitation he walked into the towering building. He immediately saw Namjoon the Alpha easy to spot in the crowd.

"Namjoon-hyung" he exclaimed in greeting.
"Jimin" the Alpha gave a dimpled smile in return.

"I am sorry that we couldn't meet in a more comfortable place. But my flock mate Yoongi is uncomfortable in public places and prefers the comforts of his own studio." Namjoon explains as they begin to walk through the corridors.

"I am glad to see how Yoongi-ssi works" Jimin said. An Alpha who didn't like being in public places. This Yoongi didn't seem like a stereotypical Alpha, Alphas loved to be in public places there was no better place to flaunt their wings and supposed 'superiority'.

Soon they reached a room that had an embellished sign on the front that read 'Min Yoongi'.

Namjoon knocked 3 times on the door. Jimin could hear multiple swear words muttered.

Then the door was flung open. A disheveled Alpha greeted them. Black hair messy upon his head, like he had just woken up.

The room was dark, but the scent disappearing from the room sent Jimin's omega into overdrive. The scent was of campfire and leather. It reminded him of when he used to have barbecues on the beaches of Busan with his family.

"Can we come in hyung? Remember you are supposed to meet Jimin today to see if you want him to be part of the flock" Namjoon said in a slow deliberate tone, like he was speaking to a small child.

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