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(Chapter 100)The art of wing grooming

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(Chapter 100)
The art of wing grooming

Author POV

Jimin sighs, happily content with the taste of blueberry cake still lining his lips. The others have finished and are tidying up around him. They had ordered him not to move, he was too comfortable anyway, so he had agreed.

"What would you like to do for the rest of the evening?" Namjoon asked, it had just come around to 7pm.

"Make a nest in the living room and watch a film?" Jimin asked shyly.

The idea had the Alphas grinning. They immediately took off to grab the  needed equipment to build a nest in the centre of the living room. 3 mattresses were taken, Jimin wasn't sure whos had been sacrificed, but they were quickly pushed together on the wooden floor (they were yet to get a carpet or rug).

Jimin watched at they assembled a nest to the best of their ability to please Jimin. It was cute, Jimin's lips turned up in a smile as he watched them fuss about. Some muttering under their breaths to eachother. Saying how certain parts weren't right and the other quickly going to fix it.

Till they eventually looked up at Jimin. Finished and awaiting his decision. Whether he would approve or not. He climbed off the sofa, his bound wings making him wobble slightly, Hoseok reached a hand up from where he was sitting on the floor, resting it on the Omega's hip to help him balance.

Jimin gave him an appreciative smile, he allowed himself to climb into the Alpha built nest. The others had moved to sit outside the nest. To enter an Omega's nest, even if they had built it was seen as invasive. An Omega may attack an Alpha if they try to enter their nest without explicit permission.

Jimin reached out his hands, feeling the soft material under his hands. Subconsciously a soft purring sound built in his throat, the Alphas relaxing when they heard the sound.

They watched as Jimin fixed small parts of the nest, making sure that they were perfect. Before he sat cross legged in the centre of the nest. Smiling at the Alphas, completely content.

"Can we come into the nest?" Jin asked making sure to look Jimin in the eyes as he gestured to the group.

Jimin looked around at all of them, as if pondering the question. Then he gave a decisive and firm nod. The Alphas stepped and climbed into the nest with care. Careful not to knock into the soft walls or damage the nest.

Soon Jimin was lying down, his head pillowed on Taehyung's chest. The Alpha having lain down on his back, the Omega supported inbetween his legs. Jin was flicking at the control, finding a film they could watch together.

Jungkook curled around Jimin's legs, carefully as not to bump his golden wings into Jimin's injured ones.

Once they were all settled around eachother, the Alphas avoiding lying to close to one another, not wanting to accidentally brush wings with one another.

"Namjoonie-hyung could you take the bindings off please" Jimin implored as he looked with pleading eyes at the Flock Alpha.

Namjoon nodded in understanding, he wouldn't want his wings bound for along time either. He carefully unclasped the buckles. Unwrapping the sterile sheets around the Omega's icy blue wings.

He let out alittle gasp as the colour of the Omega's wings took away his breath once again. They were after all beautiful. Namjoon safely removed the cloth bindings and pulled them out from beneath the pulled together wings.

He deposited the wing binders outside of the nest. And Jimin finally allowed his wings to spread out. Spilling over his sides. The wings coming to rest against Yoongi's side, and he was right at the front of the nest. The other wing resting on Hoseok and Jin's laps as they sat behind Jimin.

The Alpha's didn't reach out to brush their hands against the Omega's wings as much as they wanted too. To touch or groom another's wings without permission was seen as assault.

The Alphas winced as they saw the state of Jimin's wings, the feathers were growing in, but not all at the correct angles. With feathers missing they had nothing to rest against, preventing them from growing straight, instead becoming twisted at awkward angles that had to hurt, or at least cause discomfort.

"Can I groom your wings Jiminie?" Yoongi asked as he hovered his hands above Jimin's right wing.

"Yeah" Jimin responded shyly.

Yoongi allowed himself to get to work. Shifting around so that he could work at a better angle. He was careful in his movements. Not wanting to damage the feathers when they were such a delicate and vulnerable state.

Yoongi was vaguely aware of Jimin giving Hoseok and Jin permission to groom his other wing. But soon he had three Alphas working on grooming his wings. Fixing the discomfort.

With a disney film playing in the background he allowed himself to relax. Taehyung running a hand through his hair, scratching at the base of his skull occasionally. He was soon dissolved into a mess of purrs and pure bliss.

The Alphas responding with deep grumbling sounds in answer to the Omega's soft purring. Jimin's hand came up to rest against his throat, playing with the collar gifted to Jimin in unity.

This moment felt right to Jimin. This is what he wanted from life. Relaxation, comfort, a nest to call his own. His Alphas and mates surrounding him, content and satisfied.

His scent of blueberries mingling with the scents of his Alphas, making a cocktail of both sweet and bitter scents. It was uniquely theirs and Jimin loved it, it was his safety and his feeling of home.

He allowed him to completely relax, his muscles turning lax. And he forgot in those moments about his stress, the trial, of the impending decision of how his life would be dictated. For now he was home and he was going to make the most of these moments.


So we made it to chapter 100!

We've also gotten to 323K reads and 25.8K votes. And I can't thank you all enough. I never expected to get this far.

Since we've hit 100 chapters I'm gonna let you guys in on something:


This book was originally supposed to be a Taehyungxbts book. And the members weren't all going to be Alphas.

Also at one point, despite it being my favourite book, I was going to unpublished Wings. Because when I first published it, it didn't receive much attention, not like The Prince's Consorts did. But then it picked up and now we've over take The Prince's Consorts in reads and votes.

So I am very glad I kept going. That's all thanks to you guys.

Anyway I hope you liked the fluff chapter.




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