17: The Mystery Weapon

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I was in the bridge of my cruiser above Coruscant, when we were getting ready to jump into hyperspace to reinforce Anakin's troops in case it was needed. The last time we met was about a week ago, since we came back from Tatooine, after saving Jabba's son we were sent to different locations.

I was thinking about the last night we shared together and how we enjoyed just sleeping on each other's arms and how our laughters filled up an entire room in just a whisper when my Sergeant, Sinker, told me that there was an incoming transmission from the Capital Planet, taking me out of my thoughts, so, I directed myself to the briefing room.

"Allana, good to see you." Said Obi-Wan.

"Likewise Master." I said. "Master Yoda, Master Windu, Chancellor." I greeted. Obi-Wan was standing to my right, Mace beside him then Master Yoda and the Chancellor opposite from me.

After they greeted me back, we started to talk about the Separatist's newest little toy. This thing, whatever it was, could and has destroyed entire fleets.

"This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems and disappeared without a trace." Said Windu as I crossed my arms and held my chin in between my index finger and my thumb.

"We cannot afford to loose anymore ships, my friends." Said the Chancellor. "Ah, Master Skywalker." He greeted Anakin as soon as his hologram appeared. His blue image was beside Chancellor Palpatine and Ahsoka's was next to me. "Have you had any success in finding General Grievous's secret weapon?" Ani clicked a button on his communicator showing us the hologram of a planet.

"Master Plo was here in the Abregado system when we lost contact." Said Anakin.

"The Agregado system huh?" I asked, more to myself than to the rest.

"Yes." Anakin said to my left, letting me know that they heard me. "And we have had no further contact with General Plo Koon, the absence of distress beacons indicates that his fleet was-" He paused and looked at his Padawan. "That his fleet was destroyed, like the others." He looked back at us, worry in his features, that in times like this I and only I was able to read, he usually wants to seem tough to other people, like he could let go...when he actually couldn't. "We were about to prepare a rescue mission."

"Hasn't Clone Intelligence reported this weapon never leaves any survivors?" Asked Palpatine, making my heart skip a beat.

"The Separatists are being usually tidy." Said Kenobi. "They don't want any witnesses."

"Tragic are these losses, but prevent more we must." Master Yoda added.

I just stood there, like Ahsoka, silent, my jaw about to drop to the floor, I was unable to believe that the Council was considering to let another Jedi Master who's member of the Jedi Council, a General in this war, who could be alive, die.

"All our battle groups will be reassigned to guard our supply convoys, including yours." Windu said looking at me and Anakin.

"Master, I was sent not long ago by Master Gallia, who you held a conversation with earlier, to help Skywalker's troops if needed, my men are ready, I can change the coordinates and go directly to assist Master Plo, I'm sure he is alive, we must help him." I said. 

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