64: Prison Break Pt. 1

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  It's been three days since we've returned from Mortis. Three days where Lana and I have been haunted differently by what we experienced there. We don't talk much about it because it's kind of easier to not think about it, but still, it's hard.

I know something happened to me, but...I don't remember it. Lana, on the other hand, remembers perfectly every single second, in fact, the new wound that rests on her forearm reminds her all the time.

  She's the one that has it harder, with constant nightmares and the feeling of something burning her skin. I know she had been sleep deprived, whenever the nightmares attacked, we'd wake up, get up and make our way to the kitchen where I prepared some tea for her to calm down. When I asked, she told me very few details and I'd hug her until the mug was empty, then, we'd go back to bed but I'd wake up an hour later and she would be standing in the balcony looking at the ships come and go. This happened every night, for three nights. It didn't matter how many times I asked her to come back to bed. The Brother has become a demon that haunts her whenever he can, even if he's dead.

  The best way she —and the rest of the gang too— managed to get through it, is by going on missions. We went on separate ones. Both of us were in the Outer Rim but she went with her Master while Ahsoka came with me and Obi-Wan stayed in the Temple. I haven't heard from her yet, but I assume she's alright. I can sense it. As soon as my team and I returned from our mission and arrived at the Temple, Ahsoka left towards her quarters as well as me. When I reached my small and functional room, I took a long shower, making sure to wash my hair, at least, two times. When I got dressed with my boring but cool looking clothes, my communicator started to beep.

"Skywalker here." I answered walking out of the room.

"Anakin." Said Obi-Wan's voice. "How was your mission?"

"Meh, it was alright, except for the fact that Dantooine is a desert planet and we were there for two days...getting sand everywhere." He chuckled. "Seriously, I just showered, washed my hair two times and I think there's still sand in there." I sighed. "I hate it."

"I know." He sighed. "Hope you're not too tired." I suppressed an annoyed groan.

"Why do you ask?"

"Communication Centre, you'll be informed here."

"I'll call Ahsoka and we'll be on our way."

"No." I frowned. "Bring Rex instead."

"Okay...but why can't my Padawan be there?"

"Just do as I say, you'll see."


  I contacted Rex and he brought Fives and Echo with himself. As soon as the four of us met, we started to walk through the Temple's hallways to get to the Centre. In the moment we turned on the left corner to get to the room, my eyes landed on Lana, who was walking beside Wolffe. She smiled as she moved the bubble ponytail —adorned with a silver accessory Padmé gifted her on her birthday— behind her shoulder and I returned the gesture.

"General, Commander. It's good to see you." Said Rex to my right.

"Likewise Captain, Fives, Echo." She greeted kindly. "Skywalker." She added.

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