Chapter 29: Mess

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Luna's POV

Today was the worst day of my life. First I had a fight with Cole, over that stupid, Romeo and Juliet painting. I think when I bought that painting by bidding highest, then Mom, she cursed me. Yeah! My own mother cursed me, because she doesn't love me, she hates me, may be because I remind her, of my Dad, whom she wants to forget desperately.

My Fight with Cole, was not enough to make my day worse, that God sent Britney in my way. That fucking crazy Bitch, is a nightmare for me. Who I thought from middle school, is my best friend, but she was, an enemy dressed like a friend. Who first stole my boyfriend, then she threw me out of my cheerleading team. She even stole my tittle, as the most popular girl in the High School. And to make it worse, she got me suspended, from school.

When Britney stopped me, outside the classroom. I knew she is not calling me, for any good. I was mentally prepared, but still when she said there is something wrong with me, that is why everyone leaves me. I felt a burning ache in my heart. I felt what ever the hell, she is saying is all true. All the Man in my life has left me, first Dad, then Ray, and now I am on the verge of losing Cole also. Maybe there is something wrong with me, or maybe I am bad that is why God is punishing me.

Mom also said I am insensitive, my own mother said this to me, on my face. Without even thinking how it will affect me. What I am thinking, I am so stupid, my mother never think, about her actions, and the effect of her actions on me.

"Miss Luna, please have something, you haven't eaten anything, since you came back from school", Grace interrupts my, pathetic thoughts.

"Go away, I don't want to eat anything, just leave me alone", I yell, and I bury my face, in my pillow.

Cole's POV

It's all my mistake that Luna is suspended. She was mad at me. May be in that anger she pushed Britney.

I take a deep breath before, ringing the bell, of Luna's house. And Grace opens the door,"How is Luna?",

"Not good Mr. Dan, she hasn't eaten anything, since she came back from school", she tells me sadly.

"I have brought Chocolate brownies, this might help", I show her the brownies.

"I hope so",

I step inside and see Mrs. Brown sitting on the couch,"Mrs. Brown".

"Cole, how are you?",


I had met Mrs. Brown, yesterday only, but so many things have happened, between yesterday and today, that yesterday feels like, long ago.

"Where is Luna?",

"In her room", she looks towards Luna's room,"she called me mother",


"She calls me, mother when she is awfully mad, at me",

"Oh", I say slowly.

"Cole, I know my daughter is a unique person",

Of course! I know that.

"Please take of my daughter, because she doesn't let me take of her", I think Luna and her Mom had a fight, that is why she is talking like this, and I also can see tears in her eyes.

"I will always take care of her", I tell her, and she nods.


I knock on the Luna's bedroom room door,"Go away", she shouts.

"Just leave me alone", she yells again.

"Luna, it's me please open the door", I say with timid voice.

After two to three minutes, I hear the footsteps, coming towards the door, and she opens the door. I can tell clearly looking at her face that she was crying. She goes and sits on the edge of the bed.

"First before telling, what I really want to tell, I what you to stay quiet and listen", because she never listens to me, so today I am telling her to stay quiet before only.

"What?", She raises her eyebrows.



"No, but please!!", I tell her, and she nods.

I take a deep breath before speaking,"First, I rejected that painting, because it was so expensive, and I can't take a gift which I can't afford. It was about my self-respect, so I rejected your painting, and am really sorry, for yelling at you, I really felt like a jerk after that. And I know what ever that happened today in school, was my fault. You were mad at me, and in that anger you may have pushed Britney. So I am really sorry Luna".

"Cole", she says and starts to cry.

"I am sorry", I rush towards her, and kneel down before her,"what happened, why you are crying, did I say something wrong?", Instead of answering my questions, she starts to cry harder.

Why is she crying?

"Luna what happened?",

"My life is a mess", she sobs.

"Then we will both, clean up that mess, don't worry",

"No!!, You are lying, you will leave me alone",


What is she saying?

"Why would I leave you?",

"Because there is something wrong with me, that is why everyone leaves me, first Dad left me, then Ray, and now you will also leave me", she cries.

"No!", I hold her hands,"I will never leave you",

She looks at me speechless, and she comes closer to me and her lips touches mine. And without thinking, I kiss her back.

Author's Note
I hope you all liked today's chapter. Stay tuned for next chapter till next Wednesday.
With Lots of Love XX

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