Chapter 8: Insta Video Call

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Luna's POV

In this past two weeks I have learned that, In this world, nothing is permanent. And anything can change at any movement, and if someone wants example that everything can change in this world. I will give mine example, At one movement I was healthy walking girl, and then the next movement, I fell down from stairs and broke my ankle and dislocated my elbow. At one movement I was all in love with my boyfriend and then the other movement my boyfriend cheated on me with my own best friend.

"See Miss Luna, your mother has sent you Tulips, your favorite flowers", Grace enters with pink Tulips bouquet, and interrupts my thoughts.

"And, where is my mother by the way? She knew right, that I am discharging today?"

" She is at work Miss Luna", Grace tells me, and places the Tulips on my side table.

"Of course Always work is important", I fake smile, but Grace knows me so well, that she might have figured out that my smile is fake.

"Miss Luna, I have cooked all your favorite dishes at home, to celebrate your discharge from hospital", Grace tries to cheer me up.

"Luna, ready to go home?", Doctor enters and asks, and he has brought some kind of hideous looking shoe with him.

"Yes absolutely", I reply.

"Luna, now with the help this cast shoe, you will be able to walk in cast", Doctor shows me, hideous shoe.

No way on earth, I am wearing this hideous shoe in my feet.

"You are kidding Doc, right?",

"No Luna, you have wear this cast shoe"

"No, I am not wearing this cast shoe, it looks hideous, and it will also not match with my pink cast", yesterday only Doctor replaced my boring white cast, with this new pink cast.

"Luna, listen to me, you must wear this cast shoe, if you want to walk in cast, without hurting your ankle", he tries to pressurize me, with his medical knowledge, but I am Luna Brown, and I can't wear this hideous cast shoe.

At the end Doctor won, and I am living hospital wearing hideous cast shoe.


Every thing may have changed in my life, but my bedroom is still same, with white and pink decor.

"Grace where are all my, get well soon gifts", I ask her and, I lay in bed in sitting position.

"Miss Luna, all the gifts are on the table", Grace points to white small table.

"Open them, one by one", I order.

Grace opens, the gray cover box, and pulls out,  Burgundy colour coat.

"This is by Dove Moore", she tells.

"Dove gifted me this? Grace give, this coat to me", Grace hands me the coat.

"Look, at this coat Grace, the material is so soft, the colour is excellent, and also this coat is from her latest collection", Dove is my favorite designer, and seriously she knows exactly how to give gifts.

"Grace open the next gift", I tell her, and she unwraps the white cover, and shows me the book.

"A book! Who gave this?",

"This is by Jenny Bloom",

"This is the worst gift, someone ever gave me, does she think, I like to read or something?", Seriously this nerd people, really don't know how to give gifts.

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