⁵², it's coming

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter fifty-two,
it's coming

"Then everything went really fast and then he was dead

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"Then everything went really fast and then he was dead."

Calista Ella Garfield. 

I ALMOST SLIP, ON MY WAY TO THE BATHROOM. I lean over the toilet to vomit. When I am finished I flush the toilet and lean briefly against the wall before getting up and making my way to the common room. I sit down on a sofa while staring through a window into the black lake. We killed someone. I killed someone. Only the thought of it almost makes me throw up again. I groan and close my eyes while leaning more into the seat. "You are up early," My heart jumps out of my chest not expecting a voice so close. "Pansy!" "Sorry sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" "The little creature inside of me woke me up" I lie easily to my friend. "Don't call it a creature...- Can I see it?" I make the spell disappear and the girl carefully touches my belly. "How far along are you?" "I think almost 8 months." "You don't look 8 months pregnant." She states carefully. "I know, I have a small belly, but Pomfrey says it is in there." "Stop calling the baby it!" She chuckles. "I don't know if it is a he or a she-" "Do you want to know?" My eyes find hers immediately. "What are you saying?" "That I can find out for you, I wanted to become a healer for a while and-" "Do it," I say with a smile making her smile as well. 


Pain. All I feel is pain while Alecto Carrow is opening the wound again, carving over the letters with a knife. "Don't-" I whimper in pain, not wanting to scream, knowing the consequences. Blood hits the ground, feeling warm on my arm. "We are almost there, Garfield. We don't want you to heal so you cannot see the words anymore, do we?" She talks to me as she is speaking to a baby and it annoys me. Tears move their way over my face to the ground and every time the knife touches my skin I want to scream more. "Let me go-" I beg her, hoping someone will open her office to ask something or even because they know she would never be in her office for so long. "We came to the begging point! Wow, I haven't heard you do that before! We are so desperate now, are we?" "Stop asking questions." I snap and as a result, she pushes the knife even deeper, making me cry it out.

"You know that I can hear its heartbeat, do you? Little bird?" He whispers while moving one of his claws over my cheek, his other hand pinning my wrists. "Her, you can hear her heartbeat, arsehole." I spit in his face. "Don't worry-" He chuckles kill. "I'll just kill the three of you."

Suddenly the door opens and McGonagall steps inside. "Allecto, the head-" Her eyes move over the room realising what's going on. "-master needs you." She finishes the word and gets up. "Okay then, we have finished here anyway. You better be gone when I come back." 

When she's gone I quickly try to get up, but my legs give up and McGonagall catches me. I grab her clothes tightly as the first sobs start to leave my mouth. I can only cry, as everything becomes way too much. She helps me out of Alecto's office and I try to get myself together again, not wanting to reveal to the other students that I am about to break down. When we arrive at her office she opens the door only to reveal Flitwick and Slughorn. I drop on my knees the moment the door closes and the tears leave my eyes again. "What happened with her?" "Alecto Carrow happened. This can't continue any longer, Horace. We need to do something, look what they are doing to one of our best students for Merlin's sake!" Someone else speeds into the office, but I don't have enough energy to look at the person. "Poppy, there you are, can you please help her with her arm?" "No-" I commence before glancing up to the woman who helped me so much, my tears making her blurry. "Check her first, you need to check her first. I can't lose anyone else. Check her first." "Her? Poppy what is she talking about?" McGonagall affirms confused while helping me to a sofa. I lift the spell revealing my stomach and Pomfrey immediately starts doing her job. "She's fine. She is alive." 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora