¹⁸, absent-minded

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter eighteen,


"Okay, maybe I lied before,"

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"Okay, maybe I lied before,"

Calista Ella Garfield.

"MISS GARFIELD, CAN I HAVE YOUR HOMEWORK?" My mind goes blank for a moment. Did he just say homework? "Sir, I am so sorry, I forgot," I mumble while looking up at the Potions professor. "That's fine, just be sure to hand it in next class." That guy really likes me, probably because I am part of his Slug Club. It is stupid really, but it helps me in situations like this. "And you mister Moore?" The boy next to me hands him his homework and after he looks at me. "I wish I was part of that little club, it would make Potions a lot easier." I roll my eyes with a small smile. "You just have to start working, because otherwise, you won't make this year." "You would help me, right?" "My friends definitely wouldn't like that-" "but you would. C'mon Cali, I am not that bad, am I?" I think for a moment just to mock the guy. "Hmm, I don't know about that- I mean-" He carefully hits me with a book. "Okay, okay, I am sorry- I mean... Lex, you are okay, I guess." "Mister Moore and Miss Garfield, do you want to share something with the rest of the class?" "No professor," we say at the same time, making us chuckle again. "Okay then, maybe you should listen to what I have to say then." "Yes sir!" I smile and Lex snorts trying not to laugh. When I see Slughorn's face I quickly bend down and start making some notes. The boy next to me follows my example with a smile. Thank god. I know I shouldn't be friends with Lex. He and Finlay have been enemies since the fourth year. Lex literally hooked up with his girlfriend at the time and Finlay railed his sister as revenge. The girl was 13 at the time and he just turned 15... Even I agree that Finlay shouldn't have done that. It went too far. I really tried not to become friends with him, but I literally have almost every single class with him.

"And the last duo will be mister Moore and miss Garfield," my eyes go to the boy on the other side of the class. "Do we have to?" We both ask at the same time making the professor eye both of us separately. "Now that I know that you don't want to, yes definitely-" I sigh and the boy moves next to me. Slughorn explains the assignment and we all start to work. "Now you should add the next ingredient," I say after a while, I am really annoyed because this ass isn't doing anything. "What if anything goes wrong?" "Well, I am 75% sure it won't explode in your face." Silence and it looks like the boy is seriously thinking about it. "Okay, I take my chances." He states before throwing the next ingredient in the cauldron. I stare at him for a moment. "I just gave you a 25% chance to die and you still did it." "I am not scared of some danger-" I try not to snort because I know he's serious. "Yea, me neither-" He stares at me for a moment. "You know, you aren't as bad as I thought you were, Garfield." A smile plays around my mouth. "I could say the same, Moore."

At the end of the class, I walk towards the Divination classroom. "I don't understand why I still follow that subject," I say to the blonde-haired boy who is walking next to me. "I don't understand why I am still at Hogwarts." He states making me curious why he's saying that. "Don't be so depressive, Draco. This year will be fine-" Theodore tries to cheer his friend up. "Shut up, Nott." He rolls his eyes and starts walking faster. Theodore moves his hand around my waist and glances at me. "Do you have any idea what's wrong with him, beautiful?" "Stop flirting with her, Nott-" Blaise and Pansy walk next to us. The boy is grinning but the girl looks like she's about to kill me. Honestly, she is so weird.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now