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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬


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ON A CLEAR NIGHT, 5 years after the battle, the moon shines brightly into the bedroom of Lenora Lanchester. There the young owner of the old house is, sitting on the floor, sorting through moving boxes. Together with her little boy, she moved back to London a few weeks ago, still, there are many boxes unpacked. For five years she lived in the deep depths of southern France. Away from everything that she knew, loved and all the pain. Now so much has changed. And the moment Lenora grasps onto an old journal it feels like everything stops. 

She lets her fingers gently slide down over the cover of the journal before opening it. The name of her long lost best friend is written on the first page. Finlay Orion Black. A single tear flows down her cheek, of course, she didn't forget about everything that happened. She could never forget her two best friends because they promised each other forever together so long ago. Even if Lenora left she still hold onto them. The young woman starts reading a few random pages. 

I love her. For so long I was blind but Lenora made me see it differently. Anne made me see it differently. Merlin, I'm so stupid! I'm in love with my best friend but she doesn't love me like that...

The lack of sleep is creeping up my back. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning. The nightmares make me want to stay awake and then I do. I don't think I can remember the last good night sleep I had. I spend most nights on the couch, in front of the burning fire with my best friend at my side...

Bloody hell! Sometimes both of them can be so frustrating. These girls are crazy. All this drama. Hell, I don't know how I've kept up with them...

And so the entries keep coming. So many different dates, names, places. And then there is the page about a certain boy Lenora thinks of every day. Well, he isn't a boy anymore, just like she isn't a girl anymore. Oh, how she wishes to see him again, hold him in his hands, feel his lips. Lenora wipes away her tears as she stands up. This doesn't belong with her anymore. She puts it aside and tries to go to bed, but she doesn't fall asleep, thoughts keeping her awake until she's done and gets up. She puts on a thick sweater, jeans and her coat before walking to the small bedroom at the end of the hallway. There, a little boy, that is almost five years old, is sleeping in his bed. Knowing she can't leave her son home alone or call a nanny she stirs the little boy awake. The next moment she is whispering to him that they're going on a small visit. In the car the boy falls asleep in two minutes, grasping onto the journal. 

After an hour they're standing in front of the home she hasn't seen for ages. The small boy is sleeping in her arms, the journal stuck between the two of them as she goes to knock on the door. It's the middle of the night and she doesn't consider that maybe they're asleep, or worse they don't live here anymore. But then the door opens. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now