²², the burrow

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter twenty-two,
the burrow

chapter twenty-two,the burrow

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"She'll look out for me."

Calista Ella Garfield.

"DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME GET EVERYTHING ON THE TABLE, SWEETIE?" Molly asks as she gives me a bowl with food. "Of course, Molly." I smile before walking to the table. When I put the bowl down I feel how someone wraps his arms around me. "Are you okay, princess? You seemed pretty hurt last night." "It's just hard to be there for everyone and at the same time grieving for those we lost," I say as I turn around to the boy. He brushes away some hair and lets his fingers wander over my face. His thumb rests on my lips as he moves in to kiss me. "Cali, are you coming darling?" Molly puts her head around the corner what makes Fred move away from me. "Yea, sorry this idiot took some of my time. I will be there in a second." She disappears again. "Idiot?" "Yes, you are an idiot!" The doorbell rings and he laughs, "that must be Remus and Tonks, mum invited them." "Why don't you open the door then?" "I am on my way already, princess." "Good to know, golden boy." I laugh before walking away.

Only an hour later everyone is sitting on the table and enjoying their meal. This family is so much happier than mine. We dealt with so much loss and death... Everyone is still recovering from everything that happened last year. My mum lost the man that felt like family to her and only a few weeks ago she lost the woman that felt like her mother. This, everything is really hard for her and she never shows it. "Cali, could you pass me the salad?" I look at the red-haired boy and it takes me a moment to realise what he said. "Here you go, Fred." "Thank you, princess." He says making everyone look at us. There is silence. "I meant Cali." He quickly tries to cover it up, but the damage is already done. George exchanges a look with Ron while Bill and Fleur do the same. I bite my lip trying to prevent the blush to creep up my face. Ginny giggles a bit making Potter look at her. "Good job, golden boy." I chuckle as I brush my hand through my hair before focussing on my food again.


His lips move over my neck before he starts unbuttoning the blouse I was wearing tonight. "Fred, what if someone walks in?" "Then they can enjoy the show." He whispers as his mouth arrives at mine. I am the one who breaks the kiss turning him around pinning his hands behind his head. "I like the view," He chuckles looking down at my breasts. "Oh shut up-" I laugh before I bring my lips to his neck and start kissing him all the way down to his belt. "Are you sure you are ready for this, Weasley?" My eyes stare in his' and I can see the lust in his eyes. I am about to unbuckle his belt when I hear a hysterical laugh and right after a bright light appears outside. "What's that?" Fred asks as I walk to the window. The woman with the curly black hair laughs loud and starts screaming, "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK." Without thinking I start running downstairs. "Calista!" Fred comes after me. Outside I see how Ginny jumps through the flames. I speed up and run right through the fire leaving multiple burning marks. "Calista!" I can hear Molly yell but I keep following the laugh of the woman who quite literally saved my life. "Fred!" It's Arthur who calls out his son's name. I arrive at an open space and before I can defend myself a curse hits me in the heart.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now