¹⁹, a burning flame

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter nineteen,
a burning flame

"Merlin, I can't just let you die-"

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"Merlin, I can't just let you die-"

Calista Ella Garfield. 

"WE NEVER STARTED OUR GAME THIS YEAR," Sage explains as she takes a sip of her butterbeer. "Too bad, I could've used a good game." Genevieve sighs with a small grin, her eyes focussed on Theodore Nott. "You wanted Theo? Oh merlin, Gen! Did you forget you had Blaise last year?" I laugh brushing my hand through my hair. "He is hot-" "He is a man whore." I chuckle making Audrey and Sage laugh as well. "So he is like us?" "He is worse, watch this." I turn my whole body to the Slytherin who looked at our group as well. "Hey Nott, how is your weekend?" I say while I lick my lips and look at the brown-haired boy. "It would be a lot better if we could hang out tonight, beautiful." He flirts back making me roll my eyes. "Maybe we shouldn't, pretty boy." "A man can always hope-" I cough trying to hide a laugh. I want to turn back to the girls but my attention goes to the blonde-haired boy who sneaks into the girls' bathroom. What is going on? Only minutes later he walks out again with a proud look at his face. "Girls, I will be right back-" I mumble as I get up and walk towards the boy. As I walk past the bathroom Katie Bell walks out, I know she is a chaser of the Gryffindor team. Her gaze looks absent and a bit confused. I shake my head and continue my way to the boy who almost arrived at his friends. 

"I didn't think so... We need to talk," I say as I grab his wrist and pull him with me. "Hey, come back beautiful!" Theodore shouts confused. "Don't worry I will bring him back," I respond and after both of us leave the Three broomsticks. Outside I push him against the wall. "Woah, Cali if you want me again you can also ask. No need to be aggressive." "What is wrong with you, Draco? Putting the imperious curse on Katie Bell?! You could go to Azkaban for this." I whisper angrily as I hit him on his chest. "Ouch, stop it. I don't know what you are talking about!" "You don't want to lie to me right now, Draco. Ugh! I can curse you right now! What the hell did you do?!" Different people stare at us now and he quickly pulls me out of sight. "Shut up, Cali. You can't tell anyone-" he begs me, his hands closing around mine. "What did you do, Draco?" I ask forcing myself to calm down. His eyes are full of fear. "I screwed up. My family is in the middle of this and then everything went down at the Ministery and my dad is in Azkaban right now. He is using me to get back at my dad for making a mistake. I don't want to, Cali. But I am forced to and-" My hand closes over his mouth. "Stop talking, you aren't supposed to tell me this, Draco. We are two different teams- I shouldn't know this." I whisper totally freaking out. He moves my hand away. "He will kill me if I don't do it, Cali. I need to tell someone, I am so scared." I can only stare at the boy, not knowing what to do. "We are on different sides, Draco." "I know and I am sorry to put this on you, but I can't talk to anyone else." 

Silence. I am overthinking everything and I know I should walk away from this, that I should let him figure this out by himself. But deep down, I also know that I can't do that. I can't watch how he gets himself killed. Tears pool in my eyes because of the dilemma I am in and I know he can see it. "Cali?" "I don't want to be involved in this, but Draco, promise me if you ever feel like you need help, I will help you." "I- are you serious?" "Merlin, I can't just let you die... You are my friend." The next thing I know, he is hugging me tightly. "Thank you-" Tears roll over my cheeks because I know I really screwed up. 


I walk back into the Three Broomsticks and the girls all look at me in shock. "Cali, are you okay?" "I just realised something, I need to go sorry," I say as I grab my coat and walk away again. "Cali?" Sage tries to get me back to the table but I am already outside. I come across the twins but continue walking. "Princess?" "I am in a hurry, I am sorry." "I have been waiting here for over 20 minutes, we were supposed to meet up." His words make me stop walking. "We-" "Yea, we were. How can you forget-" I turn to him. "I am sorry," I mumble again not knowing what else to say. "Are you okay?" "Just hold me," I whisper and immediately the boy pulls me in a hug. After a while, I look up to him. I stare at his lips while biting mine. My hands gently find his face and I pull him closer to make our lips meet. 

"Why did you do that?" He whispers when I pull away. "I don't know," I murmur before leaning closer again.

 "I don't know," I murmur before leaning closer again

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Lenora Sterling Lanchester. 

AFTER A LONG MORNING of waking up early, working on assignments I finally sit down at the table of Slytherin, between Finlay and Sage. "Morning, Nora." Finlay. I look at him and notice he just came out of his bed. "It's afternoon, Finnie." He gives me a look. "So you're telling me you haven't been awake for a couple of minutes unlike me?" "Actually I've been awake since nine because I had to finish some assignments." He stares at me. "You're crazy." "I'm not. Unlike you, Finnie, I actually do want to finish my homework on time." He takes a sip of his water. "I'm not in the state to have an argument at this moment, we can continue when I have my butterbeer." "I'm not going to Hogsmeade," I state grabbing the attention of a few of our group. "Why not?" he asks. "I got detention. I will be stuck in the castle for a few weeks." "What did you do?" "Didn't she tell you?" Sage speaks. "She decided it was smart to skip class and drink with her boyfriend instead, oh–and after that to pull a prank with Maverick and Griffin." I give her a death stare because I'm honestly tired of waking up so early. "Genius," Finlay whispers. "Not so genius, because she got caught," Lucas states laughing. "I wasn't that drunk." "I didn't say you were drunk." Sage grins. "Shut up. We all make mistakes sometimes." I say. 

After lunch, I said goodbye to my friends as they went to Hogsmeade, at the moment I'm walking down the stairs of the common room on my way to go to detention. I had to put my books away. Just as I walk down the girl's stairways I see Murphy walking down the other one. "Hey, handsome," I speak. "Beautiful." He greets me back. I give him a simple smile. "Where you off to?" He asks. "Well, not Hogsmeade, because I'm stuck to detention for the next couple of weeks," I state as he looks at me. "What did you do this time?" He asks, still studying my face. "I was drunk when McGonagall caught Mave, Griffin and me trying to pull a prank." "You're talking about the beginning of the week?" "Yeah." He starts laughing. "You're smart." I give him a soft push against the shoulder which makes him grin. "In fact I am smart, I had some bad influence that day." I grin as I continue walking down the main stairs. "So you're calling me a bad influence now?" He says while following me down the stairs. "Well you're–" He pushes me against the wall attached to the stairs. "If you detach the second word, well, then you're right." I look him in the eyes before putting my lips against his'. As we kiss one of his hands moves down my body while with the other he leans against the wall. One of my hands lays against his chest and the other goes through his hair. After a bit, I let go to gasp for a bit of air. "I am late," I whisper underneath my breath. "That didn't stop you before." He states. "I don't want another week added to my detention," I say pushing him off of me before walking into the common room. "Will you come to my dorm after?" He asks. "Won't you be going to Hogsmeade either?" "Yes, but I assume you're stuck in detention for a couple of hours." "I'll come by tonight," I answer after thinking for a moment. "Will the boys be out?" I ask. He shakes his head, "okay." I say before walking towards the exit. "See you tonight." And with that, I leave the common room. 

I make a run for it through the last hallway. McGonagall hates when students are late, and guess, I am running late, again. As I open the door to the classroom I see my friends already sitting down. "Sorry! Sorry, I was–" I shut down, I didn't think of an excuse. She looks at me awaiting my explanation. "I'm sorry that I'm late professor," I state before sitting down between the boys. "Well, next week be on time." She speaks. "The three of you will be cleaning my classroom today, when you're done I have an extra assignment for you." I exhale a small sigh, more homework. The boys exhale heavily too. I guess non of us was waiting for this. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now