¹³, hidden reasons

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter thirteen,
hidden reasons

"Just shut up and kiss me, princess

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"Just shut up and kiss me, princess."

Calista Ella Garfield. 

I CLOSE MY BOOK AS I STARE INTO THE BLACK LAKE. I am leaning against a tree while throwing some rocks into the lake. "Can I join you?" "Be my guest," I mumble while putting the potion book next to me. "Are you studying for potions?" The boy smiles as he grabs my book. "I was studying for potions, now I am talking to you." I lay my head on his shoulder while glancing at the lake again. "I am so sorry for ratting you out with Umbridge. I didn't know what she was doing to you." The blonde-haired boy whispers with pain in his voice. "It's fine-" "No, it is not. I failed you as a friend, I am supposed to look out for you. Instead, I caused that you got hurt." "I am serious, Draco. You couldn't know. It's fine, I am okay." I say as I look at my watch. "I need to go, I need to fix something before the charms exam," I state as I stand and walk away, leaving the blonde-haired boy all alone. 

A few hours later I mumble the last spell to finish the swamp Fred, George and Lee made. "We are going to get in so many troubles," I say as I stare at the bog in front of Umbridge's office. "I know, but it's worth it," George says as he runs his hand through his hair. "Yea, definitely-" his brother turns to me. "You need to go to the great hall, your exam starts in 10 minutes." I stay silent and look at the features of the boy's face. "Will I see you again?" The words leave my mouth before I can think about the consequences, making his brother and best friend grin. "Do you want to see me again, princess?" I grin a bit. His hand moves over my chin till his thump arrives at my lip. "I seriously don't get why you supported Audrey in everything... You know I don't want her...-" Before I can respond Luna runs into the hall. "Cali, what are you still doing here? The exam starts in five minutes! We need to go!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me with her towards the great hall. 


The silence is driving me crazy and I know soon it won't be silent anymore. My quill pen moves over the parchment as I write down the answers to the questions. I look at the big clock for a moment and start the countdown. Suddenly we all hear the banging making McGonagall smile and Umbridge angry. Without warning the two big doors of the great hall boost open and the two boys fly inside on their brooms. That's my sign. I grab my wand and let all the fireworks we set up earlier explode. Everyone is cheering and I can only focus on the red-haired boy flying high in the air. Umbridge starts screaming and moves behind me. "It doesn't work like that Umbitch!" I say as I jump out of the way. Just on time because one of the fireworks starts chasing the woman. There is big chaos and soon I find the boy who is slowly coming down. He jumps off his broom and moves towards me. "Fred what are you doing, you could get caught. You-" He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer as he cups my chin with his other hand. "Just shut up and kiss me, princess." I don't know how fast to react as I pull the boy closer on his sweater. His lips meet mine and I kiss him back immediately. His hands move over my hips while I run mine through his hair. For a moment we forget the chaos we are in and it's just him and me. His tongue runs over my lips making them part directly. This makes the kiss rougher. After a while, my mouth leaves his and I can only stare at the boy. My eyes darting between his eyes and his lips. "Fred...-" "You don't know how long I wanted to do that." He whispers before getting on his broom again and leaving me speechless. It is just a game, Cali.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now