²⁷, revival

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter twenty-seven,

"I would shut your fucking mouth if you don't want her to kill you!"

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"I would shut your fucking mouth if you don't want her to kill you!"

Calista Ella Garfield.

MY PARENTS USED TO TELL ME SCARY STORIES ABOUT THE BLACK LAKE. Sirens and monsters wandering around in the dark hole right next to the school. I never really understood what they meant till now. Being able to see your body sinking to the ground while you are not in there anymore, is a scary experience. I want to move, I want to hide, but how the hell am I supposed to hide from the shadows? They are guardians. There is more evil lurking here than the school knows about it, and the shadows are here to make sure we don't know about it. My body is moments away from disappearing in there and when that happens there is no going back. As waiting for everything to pass I feel it again. That weird burning coursing through my veins, just as when I started to breathe the water in. Except for this time it is stronger, more painful.

The feeling moves through my body in a weird way. Every once in a while it hurts more than before. I try to look around but the darkness surrounded me and I can't see my body anymore. Panic finally starts to take over making me swim away from the shadows. It feels like I am moving forever before something finally hits my back. I hold it trying to stay there, instead of leaving with them, the darkness. Suddenly I get sucked into the surface I am holding on to and the next thing I know, I am vomiting lots of water out of my lungs on the grass with him holding my hair. I cough loudly trying to get everything out. My insides are hurting and my whole body feels numb.

"Lizzie? You are alive!" The boy hugs me tightly which squeezes all of the oxygen out of my body again. "Finn, please let me breathe," I whisper carefully while still coughing a bit. The boy quickly lets go of me but keeps holding my hands. "Who did this to you, Lizzie? You need to tell me who did this." Flashbacks move through my eyes and a sudden anger flushes over me. "They are dead-" The adrenaline gives me new energy enough to get up. "Lizzie, what are you going-" But I already walk away. They're done.

Not much later I am struggling to break free from my best friend. "Finlay let go of me!" I say as I move to get out of his grip. "I am going to kill her, both of them! Let me the fuck go, Black!" He slowly moves me away from the two girls who now look a bit scared. I step on his toe hard making him flinch and giving me an opportunity to break free. "Keep her away from me-" I put my hands on the table. Water drops from my hair on the cake in front of her. "You are dead, Cress!" I grab a fist full of her hair and pull it down making her head hit the table hard. "I will Crucio both of your arses!" I whisper loud enough for both of them to hear it.

Arms close around my waist pulling me away from the girls, yet again. "Let me go! Finlay!" I am completely losing it. "Try again, Cali." "Nott... Stop it, let me finish them, I-" "Miss Garfield!" It's Dumbledore who's stopping me. "That will be detention!" "No! That's not fair! Those two psychopaths drowned me... Let me go, Nott, I will make them pay!" I pull away hard and I slowly get closer to the girls again and both of them step away from the table creating more distance. "Keep them away from me, Dray. Please keep her away!" "Hey Pugface, if you would've drowned me you'd already been dead!" Granger says and I see how a grin plays around Draco's mouth. "Pansy is a bit scared, boohoo," I say with a grin while making a fake tear with my finger. "Get her to the hospital wing, mister Black and mister Nott-" "No! Let go of me!" "Lizzie!" I turn around and see the girl I call my best friend. "Nora?" "Let's go to the hospital wing, Lizzie. C'mon." She slowly grabs my hands and carefully pulls me away from the girls. "How sad, little Calista needs her friend." "If I were you, Cress. I would shut your fucking mouth if you don't want her to kill you! One more word and I'll help her." Lenora snaps at the girl making both of them gasps. "Let's get out of here, Lizzie. We should find a dress for tonight." She says while focussing on me. I calm down even more and a smile rests on my face. "Yea, we should. Let's go." And after we both leave the great hall.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now