¹², at midnight

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter twelve,
at midnight

chapter twelve,at midnight

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"Kiss me,"

Calista Ella Garfield. 

"STOP BEING SO CLINGY ALL THE TIME, AUDREY!" The red-haired boy suddenly bursts in the middle of the hallway. I just witnessed how Audrey touched him the moment she saw me. What have we become? "Fred, what do you mean?" "That you act like you are my girlfriend all the time! How can you not see it, I don't like you!" Everyone in the hallway is staring at the two and Lee and George move more to me. "Poor Audrey," George mumbles with a small grin making me snort. His brother now looks at me just as some other students. "Shut up, Weasley," I quickly say as I hit him a bit. "How can you say that?" "Because I don't. You don't even show interests in me, you just want my body! I am not a fucking toy." I must say, I am a bit shocked by his language. "I like you, Fred-" "No you don't. Just leave me alone okay?" He says and after he steps towards me and his brother. "Yea, my sister will be old enough in two years-" I say as I quickly turn to Lee. He gets the hint and starts talking. "Let's hope we will still be able to go to Hogwarts then." "Really smooth, princess. Are you going to join us?" I stare at the girl no surrounded by my friends. "I-" "can't, I understand." He brushes away some of my hair and after he walks away with his friends.

"Are you okay?" I whisper as I arrive at my friend "Why don't you go after him? I know how you hated that I chose him," "Audrey, that's-" "Tell me, did you break the rules?" Audrey states angrily, while the others just stand there not knowing what to say. "No, I did not, I didn't break the rules." "He has been calling you Slytherin princes all year, you can't tell me nothing was going on." "We spend most of our summer together, we are just friends." The lies roll over my tongue before I can think twice. "So there hasn't been one moment that you could've made out with him." Silence, I don't know what to say. "Audrey?" "Was there, Calista?" I bite my lip while looking at all the girls, who just stare at me in curiosity. "I-... There was...-" "Only one?" "There was a certain tension all year, so no... But I swear I didn't do anything with him." I defend myself, why am I lying to them? "Why do you make it such a problem? Last year something like this happened too and Genevieve didn't break the rules either. It wasn't a problem then, was it, Sage?" I notice how the girls don't like how I pull them into the situation. "Lizzie is right, it wasn't a problem then, why would it be a problem now?" Lenora backs me up. "It isn't a problem," Audrey says with annoyance in her voice. "We should let it go then." Lenora stimulates while looking at Sage asking her to talk too. "Yeah, let's get some lunch."


I slowly move into the great hall trying not to look at my friends. My eyes meet Draco's who looks rather confused. Every single member of the DA looks at the ground as they sit down at a small desk. The red feathers are already stocked and I see how several students try not to glance at the Slytherins in Umbridge little club. "I really wonder how she's allowed to have a club and we don't-" I mutter making Luna and Lenora laugh. "Miss Garfield, step out of the line," Umbridge says as she grabs my wrist. The one with the words. I groan terribly failing in showing no emotions. "You are all going to write down the following words! When breaking the rules I can expect punishment!" She says as she writes it down with her free hand. "You, sit down!" She says furiously as she pushes me down on a desk right across her bureau. "However, miss Lanchester you will write down what you always have to write down: I am not special." My eyes widen and I glance at my best friend. Right on time, we both start to snicker. "Enough! Miss Garfield you will write down-" "I am not better than anyone else." I finish her sentence as I grab the feather. "Yes sir!" I mumble as I start writing. She gives me a death stare but I ignore it. We all start working and it doesn't take long before people realise what is happening. I feel the gaze of him and his brother burning on my back but I don't turn around. 

About an hour later we are all standing outside the great hall, most of us holding our hand. I mumble the healing spell on Lee's hand as the twins stare at me. "How could you not tell us?" Fred says angrily as I move on to his hand. "What do you want me to say, Fred? I didn't tell you because I couldn't!" He grabs my wrist while pulling me closer, forgetting there are 30 more students here right now. "We could've helped you. I wish this to no one, princess." He whispers now while staring in my eyes. "I am tougher than I look, Golden boy." I grin before walking to my best friend. 

Lenora Sterling Lanchester

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Lenora Sterling Lanchester.

IT'S CLOSE TO CURFEW WHEN MURPHY AND I ARE WALKING BACK TO THE COMMON ROOM. We studied in the library for a few hours, yes actual studying. I do want to pass these years O.W.L.'S. There are a few other students around that were also studying until late. I guess most of us have the same goal. Murphy and I have been walking in silence for a few minutes now. Just before we can enter the Slytherin common room a well-known face appears. "Hey, Nora! Glad I found you, – I was looking for you." The boy greets me. "Oh, ye – what's up?" I ask him. "I-" He stops his sentence looking over to his friend. "Personal stuff? – I'll leave you two to it." Murphy states. "Thanks, mate." "Yea, no problem." He says while turning to me for a moment. "Goodnight, Nora." "Night, Murphy." I smile before he leaves us alone. The corridor slowly going empty except for us. "What did you want to tell me?" I speak. "I um–" He stops once more. "I wanted to – I want to show you something." "Okay, what is it?" His cold hand touches mine, "Do you trust me?" He speaks softly. It takes me a second to reply in confusion, "Yes – I do.." "Good, follow me." He states as he strengthens his grip around my hand. 

"Wait – are we going outside?" He stops finally letting go of my hand. "Yes, I- I'm sorry – are you cold?" He continues to ask me. "Elliot, are you okay? You seem a little off." His dark brown hair lays curly on his head as his green eyes stare into mine. A little moonshine brightens them. "I'm fine, Nora." He chuckles. "Just excited and nervous." "What do you have to be nervous about?" I slowly ask. "The thing that I'm showing you, I don't know how you'll react." He says as we start walking again. "Why does it always have to involve the middle of the night, surrounded by dark." He looks back at me. "You're trying to tell me people always drag you out here at night?" A chuckle rolls off of his lips. "Well, Finlay and Calista once did. They wanted to go for a night swim in the black lake." I say feeling a shiver go down my spine, I didn't enjoy that night very much. "I see you don't like the darkness much." "I don't," I say. "Good thing, you're not alone then." He states as he puts his arm around me. "Now can you tell me where we're going?" "Well I was planning on showing it to you in the forbidden forest, but I guess that will freak you out even more, so –" He stops as he looks around him. "I suppose I can show it to you here." He steps back. The only thing showing me he is still there is the little bit of moonlight shining upon us. "What are you doing?" I whisper at a volume I know he can still hear me. But the boy doesn't answer. Instead, he steps another few feet away behind one of the stone pillars, disappearing from my side. "Elliot? This is not funny! Elliot?!" Silence, no nothing. 

Then I see something moving towards me again. And as the moonlight hits it I jump backwards, falling down to the cold grass. The brown-grey-ish husky steps forward, making me hesitate in what to do, but then it hits me. "Elliot?" I whisper under my breath. The husky let its tongue out and steps closer. "You're an animagus?" I move my hand towards the dog, a second later feeling its soft fur moving against my hand. I smile and let out a relieved laugh. "You're an animagus! Wow... " He transforms back into his human form with a bright smile on his lips. "Let me help you up." He offers me his hands which I gladly grasp onto. He pulls me up and as I come up straight I can feel his breath against my face, forgetting everything at the moment. I stare into his eyes, before trailing to his lips. "Kiss me," I whisper as I look back into his eyes. "The problem is," he slowly says as he leans in, "if I kiss you, I don't think I'll be able to stop." There is almost no space between us and our lips almost touch. I can't bear it anymore, this is the one moment I could never dream of to be real, I let all my worries go and push my lips against his'. Feeling like the world falls away under my feet. I'm kissing Elliot Black. Oh no- I'm kissing Elliot Black.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now