¹⁴, lost souls

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter fourteen,

lost souls

"There is nothing you can do, Harry

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"There is nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."

Calista Ella Garfield. 

HOW THE HELL DID WE END UP IN THIS MESS? My eyes go over the others, Potter is standing in the middle with the boll of glass in his hand. The man behind my pulls my hair hard making me shriek. Lenora is standing a few feet away looking really scared and she is not the only one. "Not a sound." The man says angrily pulling my hair again. Angry tears roll down my cheek as I try to get away from the man who holds me. There is a big knife wound on my neck which is identical to the one on Lenora's neck. When I move my shoulder is killing me, I am pretty sure it's dislocated but I don't know how it happened. My eyes meet Lenora's and I know we think the same. How are we going to keep our promise?

"No, Lizzie, Nora you two are not going. It is dangerous." Finlay says as we discuss what we are going to do outside of Umbridge's office. "Finn we have to, I have to make sure they are safe." "You kissed the guy once and you are already worrying about his family?" "Not once... but that's not the point. Right before they left George made me promise to look out for his family. I can't break that promise." I literally beg the boy. Lenora finally seems to understand what I said. "You kissed him more than once?! When?" Both Finlay and I roll our eyes and stare at the girl. "That's not important right now-" "when?" "During the summer and 3 weeks before he broke it off with Audrey." She wants to say something but I quickly focus on Finlay again. "What if we promise you?" He relaxes for a bit and runs his hand through his hair. "Fine, but you have to promise that you all come back alive." "I promise," Lenora states and after she looks at me. "I promise, Finlay," I whisper and after we run away.

I move again but the only reaction I get is a hand around my throat. "I said stop moving you little bitch!" "She's a feisty one-" Fenrir Greyback grins while still holding Luna tightly. "What is your name, beautiful." He continues now looking at me. "Walk to hell." I hiss angrily trying to escape yet again. "Let's bring it differently, say your name or you die!" The man behind me says putting his wand on my throat, pushing hard. "Tell him your name!" Lenora snaps making me look at her. "Calista," I say loud enough for everyone to hear it. "Surname?" "Fuck you!" I speak furiously. "You want it the hard way, fine by me. Crucio!" It feels like my bones are on fire and soon my body meets the floor as my screams echo through the room. But I am not the only one. Lenora starts screaming and collapses on the ground.  "Calista! Lenora!" I think it was Luna but I can't be sure the pain causes that I can't focus. "Let her go! Stop it!" Hermione. "Fine! It's Calista Garfield! Let her go!" Luna cries trying to break free. The spell stops but the man doesn't try to pick me up, knowing I am too exhausted. The wound I got earlier opened again and my neck is full of blood. My shoulder popped back in but it's still hurting like hell. Despite that, I still try to get up. My eyes go to my best friend who is panting on the floor holding her neck and with tears rolling down her face. There is a silence, probably because no one is knowing what's going on. "Ahh my dear granddaughter, I thought I recognised you." The man who was holding me says as he pulls me back up again. Both Lenora and I cry it out as they pick us up again. "Are you done, Xavier?" Lucius Malfoy says while rolling his eyes. "Now, give me the prophecy, Potter." 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now