⁰¹, new habits

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬

chapter one,
new habits

"You need us for the dirty work?"

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"You need us for the dirty work?"

Calista Ella Garfield.

THE PLATFORM IS CROWDED AND MOST PARENTS ARE SAYING GOODBYE TO THEIR CHILDREN. I walk around and some look at me. Most students are already on the train because it will leave in 2 minutes. "Mom, we need to run," I say as the horn of the train blows. "I know, be careful please." She says as she hugs Grant and after hugs me. "We will don't worry." I smile and I hug Eden as well. "I want to go to Hogwarts too." She mumbles sadly. "I know and in two years you will," I say as I tug some of her hair behind her ear. "I love you, Lizzie," she says and she hugs me one more time. After I also said goodbye to my dad, Grant and I start running. We are always late, but we've never been this late. Luckily our trunk already travelled with the people from headquarters so they must be on the train. The train slowly starts to move and Grant jumps in. I miss the opportunity and keep running while going for the next carriage.

"Calista!" A boy sticks his hand out and I grab it. He pulls me inside and closes the door. "Honestly Garfield you are really something different." The brown-haired boy says as he runs his hand through his hair. "You know me for over 5 years now, Nott. You can't say that you are surprised." I chuckle and I brush the dirt off my clothes. "No, I am not." We walk further into the train and soon I arrive at the coupe where my friends are. "This is my stop, but thanks again," just when I am about to walk in some people arrive in the hallway. "Looking sharp as always, Malfoy." The blonde boy grins as he stops walking. "Calista Garfield, I almost didn't recognise you there." "Oh stop messing with me," The girls in the coupe look up curiously. "But if you don't mind, the girls and I have things to discuss." "Can we come in too?" "No," I smile while biting my lip. "But you tried though," Theodore shakes his head, laughing out loud. "Yeah, we did." He answers as he looks at the girls. "What are you hiding from us, Garfield?" Malfoy. "Let's hope you all never find out," I say while patting the boy's shoulder. "See you later then," Theo states, laughing at his friend and after he walks away. I grin at the boy and next, I get into the coupe. "Good morning, girls."


"The new DADA teacher is really-" Lukas Wickerson starts, "tell me about it." Finlay starts and he looks at the teacher's table. I do the same and look in the woman wearing only pink. She doesn't look nice at all. Someone sits down next to us and different housemates look with disgust. I glance up to the boy. "No, no let me guess, you want to prank the new teacher." "Yea- and we kind of need you and Lenora for that." The red-haired boy says with a small smile. "Why them?" "Why us?" Lenora and Lukas ask at the same time. "Because you are both easy to like, besides McGonagall has one eye constantly focussed on us so-" "You need us for the dirty work?" I conclude with a grin as I look at the boy. "Hmm we will get in trouble won't we?" Lenora asks taking a bite from her food. "Probably," he laughs making us roll our eyes. "Fine we will do it, now maybe you should go back to Gryffindor, Weasley." "Or not," Audrey smiles with a small wink. She is diving right into it. He looks at the girl for a moment, probably confused about the way she is talking to him. "I guess I could stay," he mumbles trying to catch my eye. "Yeah, that's not a good idea." Theodore starts to interfere with the conversation. "Theo, asshole, can't you see she's trying to flirt," I whisper in his ear, knowing Fred can hear it as well and I know he wasn't expecting this. "She is what?" "You heard me, but now that I think about it, maybe I will leave you to it because Audrey reminded me of something." I wink at the girls and get up. The red-haired boy just stares at me when I walk away. You should look out Fred Weasley, a new year began which means that the game started again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 | Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now