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TW: Broken Glass, yelling, very slight mention of abuse, and flashbacks

Tommy was awoken by yelling coming from the opposite side of his door and a loud slamming from the front door. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in his bed before pushing off his covers and trudging towards his room door. He wrapped his trembling hand around the doorknob before twisting it and pushing it open. Tommy's eyes widened at the scene before him. There was glass scattered across the floor and his crying mom sat at the dinner table with her hands on her face. ¨Mum?¨ Tommy's quiet voice stood alone in the room beside his mother's quiet sobs.

Tommys Mother looked up from her hands and paused her sobs and sniffled, ¨Tom? Go back to bed honey, it's late¨.

¨Mum why are you crying? Where's dad?¨ the young boy asked his mother.

¨Tom please go back to bed. Dad went to go get some milk quick we ran out¨ his mother choked over her words. (just realized this said 'chocked' instead of 'choked' which I find hilarious but have now fixed). 

Tommy recalled a full carton of milk just this morning when he ate his breakfast. So how could they be out? Tommy turned back to his bedroom door and slipped through the door after mumbling a quick 'okay mum'. He moved back under his covers and stared up at the ceiling until his eyes finally shut.


¨THOMAS¨ His eyes flew open and he jumped up in bed. ¨THOMAS THERES SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU¨ the voice and the pounding of the door continued. Tommy rolled his eyes. He knew how this went. Someone would come to meet him, agree to foster him, take all the money, and Tommy would do nothing wrong, but end up being sent back anyways.

¨Im coming ma'am!¨ Tommy responded just loud enough for the woman opposite his door to hear. He listened to the footsteps as they got quieter until a few seconds later the only sound he could hear was the wind from the open window. Tommy shuffled out of his bed and changed into a red baseball T-shirt and some khaki-colored pants. He quickly freshened up to try and make a decent impression. Before Tommy left his room he grabbed a light grey jumper and pulled it on.

Tommy closed the door behind him and went to the ¨meeting room¨ and sat on a chair. Footsteps could be heard coming towards Tommy. He looked up from the carpet to meet eyes with the care-taker who had knocked on his door earlier. She made eye contact with the boy and spoke in a harsh whisper, ¨This family is looking for a kid to foster right now so be polite got it?¨

Tommy nodded his head and mumbled¨Yes mam¨. His eyes quickly went to behind the woman and to the door frame where a tall man around 6 feet tall wearing green walked in the room.

¨Hello I'm Phil¨ the man put a warm smile across his face and reached out his hand for Tommy to shake. Tommy hesitated to move and glanced back at the woman who was sat on a nearby chair shooting him a look signaling to shake his hand. Tommy reached his hand to meet Phils' and they shook hands quickly before Tommy pulled away.

¨I'm Tommy...¨

¨Its nice to meet you, Tommy¨ Phil responded with a smile on his face before sitting down into a chair across Tommy. Silence set in between the two. That's when two sets of footsteps could be heard nearing the room. Tommy glanced up just in time to see a pink-haired teen walk in with a curly brown-haired teen. The brunet was a bit taller than the pink-haired boy. Their facial features were somewhat similar. Phil must've caught Tommy's stare because Phil cleared his throat.  ¨These are my sons Wilbur¨ he pointed to the brunet now know as Wilbur, ¨then that's Techno¨ he pointed to the pink-haired boy. Wilbur gave a small nod and Techno made a small hum of confirmation. Both the boys sat down beside Phil.

¨So Tommy how old are you?¨ Phil asked trying to spark conversation.

¨13¨ Tommy answered simply. While shifting his position Tommy changed to stare at the lightswitch on the wall.

¨What do you like doing for entertainment?¨ Phil started again.

¨I enjoy my tech class at school, when I'm allowed, I go to my friends' house and play minecraft¨ Tommy responded with a slight tone of enthusiasm in his voice.

Phil gave a small hum ¨Techno actually plays Minecraft a lot and is into that tech stuff¨.

Techno nodded his head in confirmation. Tommy actually liked this family a bit. They all seemed nice. But that's how it always was. They were nice upfront and then after a day or two got pissed and started being not very nice and abusing Tommy verbally and physically. Tommy never lasted a month in any of his foster homes. He always got sent back. Something seemed different to Tommy this time though. Was it the tone of voice? The way they were patient? They were willing to listen to him. Tommy didn't know what it was but maybe things would be different?


After about an hour of small conversations between the family and Tommy, Phil decided to ask Tommy the question. ¨Tommy, would you like to come home with us? We would only be fostering you for now but we've only known each other for an hour and we need to see if you'd be comfortable in our home¨

Tommy hesitated and thought for just a moment. Phil seemed nice. They asked him if he wanted to come to their home instead of telling one of the caretakers they wanted to take him home. Techno had some of his same interests. Wilbur seemed cool and was into music. ¨Yes please¨ Tommy said in a quiet voice trying not to show enthusiasm.

¨Would you like me to get you the paperwork then?¨ The lady asked.

¨Yes please, thank you¨ Phil responded.

Maybe this time would be different?

1005 words

A/N So this is the first chapter! took like 2 hours to write or something so I might have to make shorter chapters. But yeah this first chapter is a bit hard because I've never been through the foster system or in an orphanage and couldn't find much about it on the internet. So I tried using what I've heard on other fics. I'll try to update at least weekly a long chapter and maybe some shorter ones through the week. Tell me if I missed any triggers and feedback is welcome

(edited: omg this seems so long ago I don't even remember writing this. Anyways for anyone just reading this, I am aware that it takes a lot longer for children to get fostered or adopted or whatever. But since I didn't wanna spend forever with that bit I shortened it to this)


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now