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TW/CW: yelling, cussing, (tell me if I missed any)

It had been many weeks since Tommy has been staying with the family. It's nearly Christmas! Tommy has been hanging out with Tubbo a lot more, and Phil had gotten him his own PC as an early Christmas present. Tommy was shocked when Phil had ordered it for him. He must've said 'thank you' a thousand times.

Wilbur didn't seem to be enjoying Tommy's stay. He didn't come down for dinner until his Dad made him, and he was always out of the house like he was right now. He never really interacted with Tommy, only gave him looks. It was...strange?

Tommy always would get looks, but Wilbur's weren't like the others. He would start staring at him with almost widened eyes, and behind his eyes must hold a million thoughts behind them. After he got into one of those stares he would get up and leave if he had the option.

The amount of yelling in the house increased as the days went on. Though, the yelling was never directed at him. It seemed to always be between Wilbur, his dad, and his brother.

Tommy had asked many times what it was about. He never got a real reason. Just someone saying 'We'll tell you another time' or 'Ask Wilbur'

There is no way in fuck he was gonna ask Wilbur.

He always seemed a bit... on edge. Like something was about to happen.

Techno ringed him on discord and he picked up. "Hello, Technoblade"

"Hello, Tommy"

"Ready to play some skywars?"



They had been playing for about an hour or two, now. Besides when they stopped to eat dinner.

They were about to win a bedwars match when they heard the front door opening. Then a bunch of footsteps and another door slamming closed. "I think Wil is home" Tommy commented.

"Yeah..." a bunch of clicking was heard from his mic. Then they're bed was destroyed and Techno was killed.

"oh shit shit shit shit" Tommy attempted to get away from a kid in diamond armour, he tried to fireball jump, and he missed by a block. "FUCK" he slammed his keyboard.

"We'll win next game-" Techno must've heard something. "I'll be right back, Tommy" he murmered and set down his headphones.

Tommy sank in his chair and blew some hair out of his face. He looked to the side and noticed another red mark on the floor where his backpack was previously placed. He stared at it for a moment before he heard some yelling. "Not again..."


"Wilbur?" he knocked on the bathroom door.

There was a moment of silence besides some quiet shuffling from inside the bathroom. "W-what?"

"What were-" he was interrupted by some more shuffling. "What are you doing?"

"I- uhm I just have to-"

"You have to?"


"If you don't spit it out then I'm coming in there-"

"NO" Wilbur yelled. Techno heard Wilbur slam himself against the door to block the other from entering. He went to check the door was locked from the inside.

"Everything okay up there, boys?" Phil called up from the living room.

"Yeah, were all good, Dad" Techno responded.

"Go away, Techno"


"It dosen't fuckin matter! Just get the fuck away!" Wilbur sniffled.

"Somethings up, Wil. And your gonna tell me what it is"

"I am not because there is nothing up! Now go!" there was more movement now in the bathroom.

"I swear I'll break down the door, Wilbur. What the hell are you doing?"

"I- I'm j-just..."


"Go away, Techno"


"I swear, I'm fine"


"Just leave, Techno! I'm just- I'm shitting"

"You just got up, though. I'm coming in" he shook the doorhandle. "If you'd unlock the damn door"

"I'm not gonna unlock the door!"

The lock clicked. "Fuck you" Willbur sighed.
600+ words

pretty short chapter again but some long ones next. and angsty

ahhhhh I dunno if I'll post tomorrow cause I got a party

Also next chapter is probably super predictable but I already wrote itttttttttttt (like a month ago or smthn)

What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now