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TW/CW: cussing, blood, self harm, injury, yelling, panic attack, and that should be it

(From chapter 23 I changed a few details so if you wanna re-read it you can, but it isn't tooooo important. Okay I messed the chapter up lmao it's a small bit of chapter 23 and the next few chapters)

 Okay I messed the chapter up lmao it's a small bit of chapter 23 and the next few chapters)

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Techno quickly opened the door and shoved himself inside of the small room.

Wilbur was on the floor infront of the toilet. He wasn't leaned over it but he was sitting across from it. His eyes were red and a few dried tears remained on his face. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his eyes were glued to the open toilet seat infront of him.

"Wh-what's wrong, Wilbur?" Techno faultered.

"M'sorry, Techno..." Wilbur looked towards a different spot on the tiled floor next to him.

There were drops of blood that accompanied paper towels that were covered in bits of red. His sweaters sleeve was also turning dark. It wasn't too much, but enough to make Techno's heart break for his brother. He hadn't harmed himself in nearly a year now. As far as Techno knew...

"I- just... I didn't know what else to do..." Wilbur tried to hold back the tears welling in the corner of his eyes. "All of my progress is- it's all lost now, Techno. W-what do I do? I- I don't wanna do it all again!" Wilbur looked to Techno for an answer.

Techno didn't know what to tell him. He could only do one thing... "Sorry, Wil"


"DAD!" Techno yelled out to his father.

"What the fuck!" Wilbur exclaimed as he stood up. He tried shutting Techno out of the room with the door. He couldn't with Techno's strength pushing back and his own injured arm.

"Sorry" He held the door open so Wilbur wouldn't lock it again. Techno was sad for his brother. He knew how much he hated getting treated at the hospital when the 'incident' happened, and having so many appointments to fill his time. He always hid from the nurses so he wouldn't have to see his therapist or doctors, but Wilbur needs help if he's gonna do this.

"What is it, boys?" Phil arrived behind Techno. Techno pushed the door all the way open and Wilbur backed away to the corner of the bathroom. He sat back down in his previous spot. "Wilbur! What were you thinking?" he pushed Techno aside, and kneeled down next to Wilbur.

Wilbur relocated his view to glare at Techno still stood in the doorway. He wanted to 'fucking kill him' at the moment.

"Techno, get bandages. Wil! Talk to me!"

"I- I wasn't thinking"

"I thought you said you were fine, Wilbur?"

"I- I was, but I didn't know what to do, and I saw th-the razor blade left on the table. T-techno's questions 'n the- s-sch- b- dr- fuck-" Wilbur's chest started to rise and fall faster than before and his breaths became quicker and shallower. His vision became foggy as he looked to his shaking hands. He started sputtering a mess of words, and sylables. "Didn't mea- sorry- s- dr- bitch- n- sto-" the rest was impossible to understand at all.

He felt the walls closing in. It felt like his breaths were getting stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get any air in. He grabbed at his chest trying to check if his chest was even rising. He could feel the air filling his lungs but he couldn't catch his breath. The only thing he could hear was the ringing in his ears.

He couldn't make out what was infront of him. Just the colors. Green, pink... they went away and was replaced with white, and red.

"Wilbur, could you hear me?" he heard a calm voice come from a figure in front of him.

Wilbur nodded. While it was difficult to hear over everything in his head, he tried to focus on the one voice.

"Can you smell some of this for me?"

Wilbur nodded as he smelled the lavender scent.

"Now count to ten with me"

Wilbur shut his eyes so he could focus on counting, he rested his head on the wall behind him.

Rise. Fall. In. Out.

"One, two, three... think of the color blue..."

"...four, f-five, six, s-seven, eight, nine, ten" Wilbur joined in now. He opened his eyes to see his vision mostly had cleared up, his crying had calmed. But he also saw Tommy was infront of him.

When Tommy realized he had calmed down he stood up and backed away. He let Techno replace his spot.

"Your safe, Wil" Techno spoke.

"B-but- h-he-" Wilbur frantically tried to push the words out of his throat. His voice still shaky.

"Shhh, it's okay, Wilbur. Your okay" Techno muttered. "Can you give me your arm so I can bandage it?"

Wilbur looked to his left at Phil and Techno. Tommy must've left the room. They both wore worried expressions across their face as they looked down at him. Wilbur hated those looks. The knitted eyebrows and slight frown, eyes full of dissapointment, and concern.

He sighed then uncovered his left arm and held it out towards Techno, who started wiping off the blood.

Wilbur was still muttering quiet phrases and curses. Phil's eyes wandered to Techno's hands wrapping a bandage around Wilbur's cuts. There were only 2 fresh cuts next to the dozens of other faded scars and old ciggarette burns. The new cuts were pretty deep.

Beside the sink was a blade covered in Wilbur's crimson red blood, a small pool of it that had leaked from the small blade was on the white counter.


"Yes, Wilbur?"

"I'm sorry'' Wilbur had silent tears running down his cheeks.

"Why do you do this to yourself, Wil?"

"I- I didn't m-mean to. I- it was c-cause I didn't know what t-to do"

"Wilbur, you gotta come to me if this happens"

"Y-you don't understand"

"C'mon explain it then, Wil. I know you don't wanna go back to therapy"

"I-... m-my brain j-just t-tells me t-to w-when i-it g-gets to much. I j-just don't h-have the ch-chance to s-stop myself u-until i-it's happening"

"What measures do we have to take, Wil? This can't happen again"

"J-just leave me alone" Wilbur stood up, and walked through the door. Phil and Techno let him.

A door slammed, and locked.

"What are you gonna do about him, Dad?" Techno had stood up and started cleaning the blood off the counter.

"I don't know, Tech"

They were silent for a minute before Techno sighed. "I'm sure neither of us would like it, but Wilbur and I could stay in the same bedroom. Then I could look over him"

Phil sighed. "He wouldn't like that, at all. But maybe, if that's alright with you, Techno, that could help him"

1116 words


another day, another chapter

I couldn't sleep last night and it sucked :/

have a nice day, don't harm yourself, don't kill yourself, remember that you matter and I love you <3 (not in a weird way tho)



What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now