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FORGOT THE TW SHOOT: mentiones ED, some self doubt, anxiety, adhd symptoms are mentioned, and cussing

"What are you- Why are you- Why are you in my room?" Tommy was truly confused why Wilbur was just sat on HIS bed.

"Tommy..." Wilbur said the others name like he was a parent ready to punish him.

"What Wilbur?" Tommy's anger was rising in his chest ready to burst out at the invasion of his privacy.

"What were you doing in the bathroom?" Wilbur's tone of voice didnt change.

"What the fuck do you mean 'What was I doing in the bathroom?' " Tommy's anger was becoming more obvious now.

Wilbur ignored him "I heard you throwing up"

Tommy's face dropped. Why did he care? Why was he telling him? Is he mad because he thinks i've stunk up the bathroom? What do I tell him? He must've been allergic? It was different than what he was used to? "and?" Tommy responded.

Wilbur continued Tommy's sentence, "and you barely ate anything at dinner"

"So? What's it to you?" Tommy spat back at him.

"So I'm wondering why you had to throw up?" Wilbur finished.

Tommy finally burst "Why do you care? Its not like you care about me at all. Your family is just gonna be like all the others who collected the money and left me back at the orphanage!" at this point Tommy had tears threatening to fall. And Wilbur wasn't expecting the boy to burst like he had.

"Tommy, I do care about you, and I promise that we aren't like the other families. We aren't planning on sending you back at all"

"yeah whatever" Tommy mumbled barely audible.

"Come here Tommy, can we just talk for a few minutes?" Wilbur really just wanted to know what was going on with the boy.

Tommy walked over to his bed to sit across from Wilbur. What the fuck did this guy want?

"Okay. So why were you throwing up?" Wilbur asked in a calm voice.

Should I tell the truth?  I'm not going to. I dont trust this bitch. I'll just tell him it was different than what i'm used to. Yeah that'll work. "I'm just not used to food like that I guess. Usually I just have the same flavorless food if I have any" 

Wilbur hummed. "Okay... Are you sure thats why? Because you also didn't want anything for lunch and you didn't eat much. Usually it would take longer for someones stomach to get upset"

"I'm sure Wilbur alright?" Tommy didn't mean to say it aggresively, he tried to stay calm though he was annoyed at the other.

Wilbur had an unsure look on his face but nodded.

The two sat silently beside each other until Wilbur spoke up.

"Hey Tommy, can I ask you a few like general questions? It won't really be anything personal just so I know your not a complete dick head"

"Uhm... yeah sure" Tommy was truly unsure of where this was going.

Wilbur proceeded to ask the first question "Alright well first of all: Do you support black lives matter?"

Tommy wasn't exactly expecting that Wilbur would ask him those kind of questions but it makes sense. Probably wanted to get to know him better. "Yeah, of course"

"Okay good. Now what is your opinion on the Lgbtqia+ community?" Wilbur continued.

"I think they're cool. Just see them as normal people you know?" Tommy responded. Wilbur smiled a little at Tommy's response.

"You think woman deserve the same rights as men?"

"Yes for sure. Everyone deserves to be treated the same since we are all human" Tommy responded.

Wilbur continued to ask Tommy some more questions before just drifting off into random conversations. Wilbur decided that Tommy passed the dick head test and was indeed not a dick head.

It was getting really late around 12-1 am and the boys eventually fell asleep while talking together.


The stairs creaked slightly as Phil made his way to the second floor. He headed towards the end of the hallway, to Techno's room, and knocked gently. He got no response so he quietly opened the door. He saw Techno at his desk. His eyes that were once on his pc moved to the doorframe where his dad stood. He took off his headphones and looked questionably at Phil.

"Hey Techno, it's pretty late so remember to go to bed soon" Phil quietly informed Techno.

"Oh thanks dad. I didn't realize the time. It feels like its only been an hour" Techno laughed.

"No problem son. Remember to brush your teeth to"

"I will dad"

With that Phil turned around and left Techno's room. He then turned over to Wilbur's room. The door was slightly open so he just opened it fully. He looked towards Wilbur's bed assuming he'd be asleep. Though Wilbur wasn't there. That was strange. Maybe he was just in a different room. Phil then moved to Tommy's room and gently knocked. He didn't get a response so he decided he was asleep and quietly opened the door to check on him.

He saw Wilbur had fallen asleep on Tommy's bed and he noticed Tommy's head leaning on Wilbur's shoulder also asleep. That must be a good sign if they fell asleep next to each other.

ALRIGHT POGCHAMP ANOTHER CHAPTER LETS GO. Around 900 words. I didnt expect to finish this chapter this quick but thats fine. Sorry theres so much dialouge but its just one of those chapters y'know. Also I finished the cliff hanger so your welcome. Also it'd be pretty pog if you left a vote hm? Just think about it.

Feel free to tell me what you think of the chapters, what I can do to make them better etc.

I just spent 5 hours on a different chapter I will be posting in the future (I wish it was sooner) but Its gonna be really pogchamp. But yeah that one is gonna be more near 2000 words. Its actually my favorite chapter since its just so like sweet and its abt a big event with Wilbur so make sure to stay tuned for that coming up. Anyways...


vote? eat something? drink some water? socialize?


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now