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I'm writing this, and I realized since I'm not doing the whole social worker visit I gotta come up with a new plot for this chapter so POGCHAMP for me ig. Also if the timeline or time slots? of this story dosen't entirely make sense than sorry. I am trying my best but I gotta go check out what I put in other chapters so I can figure out what date it is smh.

Tw/Cw: cussing, references to underage drinking? references verly lightly bad things? Idk how to put that sorry

The social worker had just left and it went well. The social worker seemed a little bit suspicious of Wilbur in his...poor state. But everything went over smoothly.

(I am currently realizing stuff to do for this chapters plot which is POGGERS)

Tommy had a new social worker that has replaced the old one just recently after the home inspection and shit. They seemed nice. It was a kind lady that went by the name: Puffy.

Now Tommy was very glad about this fact. His other social worker hadn't done any background checks, didn't do thorough home inspections, he didn't care about Tommy at all. He just wanted to be paid. But, Puffy actually took a look around the house and showed interest in the young boy. Though, she hadn't done any background checks.

Speaking of background, the family seemed pretty concerned over Wilbur's current state. He hadn't been like this since... the 'incident'. Now 'the incident' was less than a year ago. About ten months to be more specific. By now everyone had recovered from the 'incident' which is why they had now taken in Tommy. They were planning on fostering a kid back 10 months, but they couldn't because of the incident.

Wilbur was holding his head and seemed in pain. He had dark eye bags, and he wasn't speaking much. He seemed to be rubbing his wrists quite a bit. No one besides Wilbur and Techno had an idea why these things were happening.

Phil seemed very concerned over Wilbur. It was visible he was anxious while Puffy was present. Though, he tried his best to hide it.

The moment they heard the social worker drive off, the room was still left with tension and concern.

"M'going upstairs. M'tired" Wilbur muttered while rubbing at his wrists one more time.

Before he could get up the stairs he was interrupted by Phil speaking up. "Wilbur? Could you stay here for another few minutes?"

"Uhm, I guess so?" Wilbur was confused by the request.


The youngest responded with a hum.

"Could you please go upstairs?"


Tommy took a quick look at the anxious men he was about to leave alone. He then passed Wilbur and darted up the stairs.

When he reached his room he closed the door behind him and sat upon his bed. He took out his phone from his bag and opened up YouTube. He scrolled to his favorite channel.

It was a gaming channel. He played all sorts of games. Among us, Geoguesser, Valorant, Apex Legends, Call of Duty, all that stuff.

Even though it was unrealistic, Tommy hoped one day he would be able to speak to Vikkstar. Tommy had always looked up to him, and as soon as he got the chance he would watch any, and all of his videos.

He played one of his newest videos and listened to every word the man said. Unfortunately, the middle of one of Vikkstar's sentences was disrupted by a yell from no other than Wilbur Soot. It didn't seem like a mad-sort of yell, but one of frustration. Similar to when Tommy had yelled after some teacher at his old school had pinned the blame on Tommy even after he did nothing wrong.  

He could only guess what the family was talking about downstairs. Perhaps they were talking about something Puffy had pointed out? Or they were talking about Tommy? Or maybe some memory? Family shit?

How would Tommy know? He wasn't included in their little 'talk'.

He didn't mind too much, though. He didn't wanna be all up in their business.

He resumed the paused video and ignored the now louder conversation the others were having.
About 600 words

So I didn't want to write a long ass chapter about the fuckin social worker doing that shit so I introduced a new thing. Uhm- I am very happy cause I can post the sad shit I wrote recently soon :D

I feel like everyone is either gonna love or hate the thing but-


(I love all of you but I am still gonna put that shit on yall)

Once I post it yall are gonna be like 'why tf were you excited to post this shit?'

Well I will answer you now. It is because I wanted to write stuff that would hopefully help teach others? Idk I enjoyed writing it because of the tension and shit.

But I will also warn you now that the next chapter will be covering very heavy topics so I will understand if you pass that chapter up. I tried to make it realistic ig? It was a bit hard to write since I haven't exactly been through what I had wrote about so it won't be as bad as it is irl and shit. (hopefully idk)

Make sure you take some time to yourself and relax. Do some excersize? Stay active? DRINK WATER


What's written in the stars (Wilbur angst and Tommy SBI adoption story)Where stories live. Discover now